Vietnamese citizen
Forum posts
About me
Vietnamese, Single
Speaks Vietnamese and English
Registration: 05 March 2017

i'm looking for job in Saigon Ho Chi Minh by mr.egypt
Hi there, i'm an Egyptian man looking for a job in Ho Chi Minh City i prefer Saigon , is there some advice regarding finding a good work there with best salaries ?

Dear Egypt, What kind of job are you looking for. Almost the foreigner come to Vietnam to become English teacher. If you want to looking for job in Vietnam , u can visite that website https://employer.vietnamworks.com/?lang=2 Good luck to you Read More

Looking for a furnished room in HCMC by neverquit
I'm looking for a furnished room with windows/balcony in a sharing house/apartment with nice & quiet expats somewhere in between Thao Dien, Dis.2 and Dis.10. Price around $200, thanks.

Cost of Living in Ho Chi Minh City for Filipinos by aisle-n
Hello. I would like to know if someone could provide me some details about the cost of living in Ho Chi Minh City for a month so I would know my budget when I get there next month while looking for a teaching job. I will be traveling with my husband ...

Rent a scooter by Marjoriedesc
Hello, I would like to rent a scooter in Ho Chi Minh City for a long term period. Do you know any place where I can rent one? Thanks a lot, Marjorie

I have a scooter available, I use it before now I want to let for rent, if u care u can contact me: viber xxx or email xxx. It is good to drive. Iwill send the pict if u contact me It will have good price Thao Read More

i need help from expats by Trần Thị Nga
Hello all expats living in Sai Gon, Anyone know some jobs suitable for me? i am quite good at english, i was a asisstant for a Indian businessman , i did paperwork for him to set up the company in viet nam. i am also can to be your private tour ...

Dear Mr Mitzlijen, I am assistant for Korean and Japanese before. I am looking for the job for that. I am also Go Cong person, hope I can help you I have an Experian so I hope I can help you. Can u contact me by *** Read More