Karoline Smith
MemberEnglish citizen
12 posts
About me
Registration: 18 March 2017
Has any UK resident had experience of selling their Moroccan property by Karoline Smith
I am British and have owned a property in Morocco for a number of years (Agadir area). I would now like to sell my house and would be interested to hear of other British people's experiences of selling their Moroccan property please. What taxes ...
@Vakil Thanks again for this information.I have another question regarding tax to pay when I sell.I have never rented the property out and have never received any rental income from the house.I know this sounds like a strange question but will I ... Read More
Land or a house in Morocco by Penniewisellc
I need some information regarding whether is better to buy a land and build or buy already build house. What are the challenges. My Moroccan wife doesn't know much. How difficult or easy it is for a foreigner
@traveller051216 Hello, thanks for your message.I am attaching a link here. Let me know if you cannot see the photos. The asking price is £85,000.https://www.flickr.com/photos/147161231@N05/albums/72177720320096114/Kind regards Read More
Do I need Moroccan Residency to buy an apartment/property? by ZackA93
Hi ,I am a british national and I'm married to a Moroccan woman.We're looking to purchase our first property in Morocco and I've been told conflicting information so was wondering if anyone here can point me in the right direction.I've been told ...
@ZackA93 I am British and bought my house at Sidi Ifni 16 years ago. I did not need to be a Moroccan resident or married to a Moroccan to do so.I am now thinking of selling. Read More
Land or a house in Morocco by Penniewisellc
I need some information regarding whether is better to buy a land and build or buy already build house. What are the challenges. My Moroccan wife doesn't know much. How difficult or easy it is for a foreigner
@Popolushka In case of interest, I bought my lovely house at Sidi Ifni (South Morocco) about 16 years ago and am now thinking of selling. I am British and live in London. Read More
Has any UK resident had experience of selling their Moroccan property by Karoline Smith
I am British and have owned a property in Morocco for a number of years (Agadir area). I would now like to sell my house and would be interested to hear of other British people's experiences of selling their Moroccan property please. What taxes ...
@deborahannebee Dear Deborah Apologies for not replying sooner - I only just saw your message! I am still thinking of selling but have not actually advertised the house yet. The house is in Sidi Ifni which is some way south of Agadir. Let me ... Read More
Land or a house in Morocco by Penniewisellc
I need some information regarding whether is better to buy a land and build or buy already build house. What are the challenges. My Moroccan wife doesn't know much. How difficult or easy it is for a foreigner
@Penniewisellc I bought my house at Sidi Ifni (South Morocco) about 16 years ago. I used a Notaire in Agadir and took a trusted Moroccan friend with me along with my sister, who speaks good French. It went reasonably smoothly. I am now thinking ... Read More
Has any UK resident had experience of selling their Moroccan property by Karoline Smith
I am British and have owned a property in Morocco for a number of years (Agadir area). I would now like to sell my house and would be interested to hear of other British people's experiences of selling their Moroccan property please. What taxes ...
Thank you! Read More
Has any UK resident had experience of selling their Moroccan property by Karoline Smith
I am British and have owned a property in Morocco for a number of years (Agadir area). I would now like to sell my house and would be interested to hear of other British people's experiences of selling their Moroccan property please. What taxes ...
It is actually further south, in Sidi Ifni, but the nearest airport is Agadir. Read More
Has any UK resident had experience of selling their Moroccan property by Karoline Smith
I am British and have owned a property in Morocco for a number of years (Agadir area). I would now like to sell my house and would be interested to hear of other British people's experiences of selling their Moroccan property please. What taxes ...
@rachelbaldi1 Hi Rachel, I intend doing my own advert to start with, rather than using an agent - also using 'word of mouth' in the area. If/when I find a buyer, I will use the same Notaire that I used to buy the property originally. Read More
Has any UK resident had experience of selling their Moroccan property by Karoline Smith
I am British and have owned a property in Morocco for a number of years (Agadir area). I would now like to sell my house and would be interested to hear of other British people's experiences of selling their Moroccan property please. What taxes ...
@Vakil Thank you so much for this information! Very useful. If the house is not my main home (I do not live there) but I am selling after 10 years - does it still mean that I have NO capital gains tax to pay? Read More
Has any UK resident had experience of selling their Moroccan property
I am British and have owned a property in Morocco for a number of years (Agadir area). I would now like to sell my house and would be interested to hear of other British people's experiences of selling their Moroccan property please. What taxes ... Read More