English expat in Mauritius
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Trou Aux Biches
Speaks English, Creole
Registration: 24 January 2011

Hello. Not sure if they do this here but back in the states we can lease cars long term. I am looking to do something similar for a period of 1-2 yrs. Does anyone know of any companies or car dealerships that do this? Thanks.

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Setting up Bar/Restaurant in Mauritius? by Mikki
Those living at Mauritius, any hints and tips about the subject? I would like to know is there some special issues, and if this is good or bad idea? I'm long-time professional in bar management industry, looking to relocate due health issues.

Hi All, If anyone is interested I have just purchased a small plot of land located on the Sea Front in Trou-Aux-Biches (highly commercial part) and I am erecting a small building on it. As some may know, Trou-aux-Biches was voted "Best Beach ... Read More

Laptop Fraud at C*** and C*** Store by Stormtrooper
DON'T buy from C** 'n' C***. My son went there to purchase an HP laptop, 2.0ghz i3 processor (with Windows 10) yesterday. He saw this model and asked for it. They said it was the only one left. He then tested the laptop and it crashed 3 ...

I heard all the other "C*** and C****" stores are all the same (admin: Note I have not mentioned the full name). They have branches everywhere. In Port Louis, Curepipe, Quatre Bornes, Bagatelle, La Croisette and more places. The store this ... Read More

Laptop Fraud at C*** and C*** Store
DON'T buy from C** 'n' C***. My son went there to purchase an HP laptop, 2.0ghz i3 processor (with Windows 10) yesterday. He saw this model and asked for it. They said it was the only one left. He then tested the laptop and it crashed 3 ... Read More

Hi everyone, we're inviting you to join us on February 22nd, in Tamarin, on the beach, close to the red kiosk. The meet up starts at 16h, and finishes ... when everyone has gone ;) Bring and share, as usual (bring what you want to eat, drink and ...

Yep thanks for the invite. Read More

Occupation Permits - Things have now changed, watch out! by Stormtrooper
Hi, To all of you with occupation permits coming up for approval, you will find the link below most interesting.... relocationmauritius.blogspot.com/2011_02_01_archive.html Incidentally my permit was up for renewal too and I'm experiencing the ...

I do not believe you can take up a grievance on the matter. The PMO office is 'God' on this land. If they don't want to renew it, then that's it. Not that I've tried this but, If I ever were to be in such a situation, I would try my luck with the ... Read More

office window tinting by gurj
Does anyone have any good contacts for window tinting. I need to get a large office window tinted in Port Louis, and would prefer a tint rather than blinds. I want something that reflects the heat but not necessarily all of the light. Thanks for ...

I'm looking for this too. I have several glass partitions. Read More

married in mauritius where can I divorce? by ascruts
Can anyone help/advise me as to what to do? My husband and I are both British. We married in Mauritius. Live in UAE. Do we need to divorce in Mauruitius or can we divorce in UK or UAE? Thank you in advance.

You can get divorce in UK for what I know. However your divorce will not be recognised only in Mauritius itself, unless you do something called an "Executory". This involves making an appearance in the Supreme Court in Mauritius saying you have ... Read More

Dual Nationality and Citizenship issue by Odyssey
Hi all, although it could be fairly assumed that any child born abroad of at least one Mauritian parent would have automatic right to Mauritian Nationality and Citizenship, however i was also informed not so long ago that any such child would only ...

I was born in England, my son born in Mauritius and my (ex)wife born in Mauritius. My son has both Mauritian and British Passport. I too have both. Read More

It turns out that Citizenship not even an option! by SirRichBranson
Hello, My wife and I have been reading the forum for last few days but we seem to have discovered what for us would be a show-stopper in ever immigrating across to Mauritius. I am a senior ICT professional though even that wont help if we've ...

Hi SirRichBranson, I have purposefully not read the replies to your posting as I wanted to answer your question according to my personal experience only. I'm a Senior IT professional too, worked in many blue chips in UK, including working for ... Read More

Commuting info needed..... can anyone help? by Islander17
I'm moving to Mauritius in January with my job and I'm going to be working in Port Louis at Le Caudon. I'm busy looking for somewhere to live and even though the actual distance from the North or the West is about the same, I am trying to establish ...

Just be careful of Nutcases.... just apply the same 'rules of engagement' as you would apply anywhere in the world. Don't let your guard down simply because you're here. Send some messages to expat ladies on this site and they'll have a good list of ... Read More

irish pub in mauritius by dubleen
hey guys i want to know if there is any irish pub in mauritius yet??? that would be great if there is any :rolleyes:

Hi Manish, where r u opening your pub? Read More

Vets in Mauritius - Animal problems. by Stormtrooper
I have a number of animals (cats/dogs) and I would like to share some knowledge to pet owners in Mauritius, regarding Vets. This is not advertising (i get no commission out of this. I will mention names and places so just google for location details ...

@HeyDude Very interesting info @ Vet travelling to Mauritius. I never considered La Reunion. Read More

Which area to live in for a single, british female? by LaylsUK
Hi all, Firstly, thank you to all of you that have posted re cost of living etc. I have been looking at various property sites and I'm rather confused as the price for a house in one area can be significantly higher than with a very similar house ...

If you have a car, I think you can pretty much live anywhere you want (generally speaking). Remember, Mauritius is only 40 Miles X 30 Miles.. ie.it's more or less the size of London. As a single female what you SHOULD look out for is the type of ... Read More

What you think about Tomorrow (21-12-2012) by surangand
There is concerns about worlds end.. 21-12-2012 what you think

I missed the end of the world because nobody actually told me about it. Doesn't this website send out alerts when events like "End Of World" takes place? Please let me know when it ends next as I plan to rob a bank the day before. Thanks! Read More