
Expatriada estadounidense en Costa Rica
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A year ago I was staring into the abyss. Now I am staring out over the Central Valley. Funny where life can take you. While skating the edge of oblivion in a drunken haze, this strange wonderful man asked me a simple question: Would you like to go get some pie? Really? That’s all it takes? Pie? Yes, pie. Of course it would be food. What other media allows you to tap into all your senses? Sates you to tears? On that fateful night, I babbled away and probably spilled more than Cosmo would deem acceptable. And I talked about cooking. Specifically my philosophy that you should never trust a woman who doesn’t know how to cook. A short time later, he asked me another question: Would you like to come to Costa Rica with me? Sure. Can I bring my kitchen?

Miembro desde el 29 Marzo 2011.

  • Hablo Spanglish
  • Intereses cooking, costa rica
Registro de actividad
  • DDTica
    se ha sumado a la comunidad Buenos Aires

Experiencia de expatriado

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Costa Rica
Buenos Aires, Costa Rica
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Costa Rica
Costa Rica