AchiroHero EE UU


Ciudadana estadounidense a quien gustaría vivir en Francia
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3 Publicaciones en el foro

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I live in New York City (Brooklyn) and hope to move to Lyon, France by September but I may be delayed until the end of the year. I speak very little French at the moment but am working fervently to improve my written and oral skills. Currently, I volunteer to help others improve their English in NYC and hope to do the same while in France. I have a B.A. in International Studies from American University. Another interest of mine is music. I am now producing a zouk love track. I wrote the lyrics (English, of course) and the music. Hopefully it will be completed in June. I don't believe there are any other Americans doing this so I'm curious as to how my songs will be received in France and other parts of the francophone world.

Miembro desde el 09 Abril 2011.

  • Intereses politics, american football, zouk music
Registro de actividad
  • AchiroHero
    se ha sumado a la comunidad Francia

Experiencia de expatriado

Me gustaría vivir allí
Vivo aquí en ese momento