Jeff Flarity
American expat in Bolivia
16 posts
About me
Lives in Camiri, Bolivia
Speaks english, spanish
Registration: 12 April 2011
Safety in Bolivia by Christine
Hi, We would like to talk about a sensitive but important topic: do you feel safe in Bolivia? How would you define the level of safety in the country? Can you walk safely during the day and at night without any fear? Do you think there ...
I was robbed twice on different bus rides. I've had things stolen many times during my travels as well as have many family members who are Bolivian born natives. The sad truth is you must carefully watch all of your possessions everywhere and ... Read More
Registering a birth in Bolivia by David
Hi, About to have a baby or already had children? Let's share your experience about the paperworks for registering a birth in Bolivia. What are the formalities to obtain a birth certificate? What is the procedure to follow if both parents ...
from texas I brought my kiddos in 2011. both BC's needed to be processed at the consulate BEFORE I came to Bolivia and be registered at La Paz in the national office there for a fee and a few weeks to wait. not easy and if you didn't do what was ... Read More
Driving license in Bolivia by Armand
Hi all, Can a foreigner take the driving test in Bolivia? What are the formalities to get a drivers licence in Bolivia? Do you need special or extra documents being an expatriate? How much does it cost? Thank you for participating ...
I disagree. since I actually lived there I can attest that only some of the poster info here is incorrect. First, drivers, you must get out of the car at stops, almost always. staying inside was rarely to never an option. the roadside police sit ... Read More
Opening a bank account in Bolivia by Julien
Hi all, is it difficult for expats to open a bank account in Bolivia ? Which documents are required to open a bank account in Bolivia ? How long does it take to open it ? Is there any restriction for expats regarding the services (loans ...
greed has crippled forward progress. if you dont live here, you should be thankful. Read More
Top countries you wouldn't visit by hutkgjf
We talked about countries you'd like to visit or to live in and so on. But what about those countries that there's no way in hell you would travel to for some reason?
that last post seems too general. lots of places in south america are awesome however, if you can skip bolivia, i would. i live in bolivia and its better to just skip past it if you have the choice. Read More
Internet connections in Bolivia by
A question which comes up all the time on all the forums in this 21st century and to which we'd like your info contribution: - What is the quality of internet packages in Bolivia? - How much cost an internet connection in Bolivia? Thanks for your ...
its like the us when it was all dial up. slow, lagging. freezes. a two minute video on youtube can take five minutes to load when the school is on break and the studentss are out of school the internet is saturated and just painful to deal with not ... Read More
Opening a bank account in Bolivia by Julien
Hi all, is it difficult for expats to open a bank account in Bolivia ? Which documents are required to open a bank account in Bolivia ? How long does it take to open it ? Is there any restriction for expats regarding the services (loans ...
all bank loans are at 18 percent interest for ten year max. most loans are for five years. that should stop you cold and persuade you to consider other options before you concern yourself with formalities. Read More
Driving license in Bolivia by Armand
Hi all, Can a foreigner take the driving test in Bolivia? What are the formalities to get a drivers licence in Bolivia? Do you need special or extra documents being an expatriate? How much does it cost? Thank you for participating ...
no way i can list all the prerequisits here for a license but its long and ridiculous and super inconvenient and not to mention of course expensive and tedious. better to get an international one and drive using that. its good for whatever ... Read More
ATM withdrawals in Bolivia by 3lckr
Hey, everyone! Can anybody confirm if it is possible to withdraw in USD from ATM's in Bolivia? Whether it is yes or no, can you also confirm the fees involved in using a US (or another foreign) ATM card in Bolivia. Thanks a lot! Cheers.
i withdrawl us dollars regurlarly. the fee for me is 5 dollars for every withdrawl no matter the amount so youd be wise to take as much as possible at a time. probably depends on your banks policy. my particular US bank account has unlimited ... Read More
Do's and don't do's in Bolivia by
Hello, Are you living or have you been living in Bolivia? We would like to collect your advice on things on is allowed or not allowed to do in Bolivia. And another question: is it easy to adapt to local culture / customs? Thanks for sharing your ...
depends on your demeanor...the culture shock wearoff-timeframe. keep in mind most missionaries are specifically trained to adapt to customs and fit in successfully for a purpose over a year or two and (they tell me) over the last presidency 80 ... Read More
Place to hang out in Bolivia for 3-4 months by bajnok
Hi, I've been backpacking around the world for a year. I'm now looking for a place in Bolivia where I would just stay for 3-4 months (till the European winter is over :-) ) starting in December 2011. The place I am imaging: - smaller laid-back ...
Casa Dr. Hugo Flores in Camiri. unofficially open while parts are still under renovation. its a bed and breakfast. they rent to international customers. this is probably what you are looking for. Read More
Someone who knows the ins and out by samwdavis
Hola amigos, I'm from the U.S. and work for a software development company. Five years ago, I moved to Argentina to open a branch office here. Unfortunately, the unfavorable trend in Argentina between the exchange rate and inflation (running about ...
ive been here awhile and im an american from dallas texas. what do you want to know? Read More
5 good reasons for living in Bolivia by Julien
Hi, if someone asks you the best reasons for making the choice to live and stay in Bolivia, what would be your top 5? Thanks in advance for participating, Julien
1.pace of life is slow with a nod to small town village mud hut rural living mixed with sporadic sprinkles of 20th century technology here and there. even if the house has three walls and dirt everywhere, surely theres a tv with some cable tv ... Read More
Cost of living in Bolivia - 2010 by
Potential expats in Bolivia need you and your information! :) Would you please give up in this topic what is the actual cost of living in Bolivia? However, as no one has the same lifestyle or the same needs, please mention the size of your ...
i live here and i can provide all of these answers. feel free to contact me. jeff flarity Read More
What is it like to cross the Bolivian border/customs for residency? by stevewoods
What is it like to cross the border into Bolivia? Do you have to have a return ticket?
the tourist visa is 135 us dollars. with temporary residency you only have to pay 100 bolivianos until you are a bolivian and then the price goes to 15 or 25 bolivianos which is the price all bolivians pay to leave at the border. tax at the airport ... Read More