Internet connections in Bolivia
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A question which comes up all the time on all the forums in this 21st century and to which we'd like your info contribution:
- What is the quality of internet packages in Bolivia?
- How much cost an internet connection in Bolivia?
Thanks for your help!
its like the us when it was all dial up. slow, lagging. freezes. a two minute video on youtube can take five minutes to load
when the school is on break and the studentss are out of school the internet is saturated and just painful to deal with not to mention the government tells the three companies-all owned by the same conglomerate and all servers located in lapaz, when to shut down the country and when to go ahead, so for voting day-nothing. some holidays-nothing.
can you send email?
video chat?
is it expensive?
similar to the cost I was paying in the us.
you can find it cheaper for slower speeds but you have to be someone whos never experienced 4g from your cell phone to even tolerate it or you gonna be dissapointed for sure.
and stay away from the sticks. every minute and every Mb is a cost and you will run out of minutes quick because they pay more here than most of the world for cell service.
ive tried them all-entel, tigo, etc.
i have a local service. i brought my own wifi modem from the US. i have the fastest capacity you can get and its still embarassing. puts me in the lower 8 percent of the world here.
But its better than nothing.
As the above poster says the internet is terrible here. Although it is slowly getting better and the new satellite should improve things. Here in La Paz you can pay $20-$30 per month for something usable through Entel. Hopelessly slow compared to the developed world however.
TIGO, VIVA, and ENTEL now all have portable 4G Modems that act as WiFi routers for up to 10 connections with speeds of up to 10GB. You can buy the unit and then pay for usage based on data downloaded.