Angela1958 Inglaterra


Ciudadana inglesa a quien gustaría vivir en la Isla Mauricio
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Hi, I'm from Kent in England and may be coming to work in Mauritius for three years. I'm married to Colin, who will come with me, and we have a daugher who is 17 and just considering her options at university. We are really hoping I get the job. Do you know where I can find accommodation close to Ebene for a long term let and prices that are not for tourists?

Miembro desde el 25 Abril 2011.

  • Intereses photography, writing, walking, scuba diving
Registro de actividad
  • Angela1958
    se ha sumado a la comunidad Isla Mauricio

Experiencia de expatriado

Me gustaría vivir allí
Isla Mauricio
Isla Mauricio
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