dublyon Francia


Expatriado francés en Tailandia
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I live in Thailand since may 2013 and i'm really happy ! For the moment i'm in Bangkok with my girlfriend ... but who know where we will be in the future :) If you wanna know more about me, follow me on my blog www.dubisthai.com

Miembro desde el 20 Junio 2009.

  • Hablo French english
  • Intereses art, sport, voyage, photographie, aventures, fêtes
Registro de actividad
  • dublyon
    se ha sumado a la comunidad Phuket

Experiencia de expatriado

Vivo aquí en ese momento
Phuket, Tailandia
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I'll arrive in may ... I plan to stay in Phuket the first year, time for learning thai ... I'll decide after what is possible to do

I'm a bit scared, because i know it's a projectionist country and it'll be hard to work or open a business !! But i'll follow my plan, i'll respect traditions, law and thai culture, i'll work hard and if i'm not to much stupid, i'll survive !!
