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Azerbaijani citizen

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Lives in Baku

Registration: 25 May 2011


kayjay replied to a thread
11 years ago

moving to baku by alexandrall

Hello planning on moving to baku and I have a 21 month year old baby. She has been brought up with gerber baby products. Is gerber baby food sold in baku markets?? How about the television channels are they English speaking ones available? ?? Do ...


there's a great variety of milk brands here... from 1. something % to 3.5%. honestly, don't remember the name (that's my wife's department :) ) ... bottom line is that yes, you can get the milk you're looking for. Read More

kayjay replied to a thread
11 years ago

moving to baku by alexandrall

Hello planning on moving to baku and I have a 21 month year old baby. She has been brought up with gerber baby products. Is gerber baby food sold in baku markets?? How about the television channels are they English speaking ones available? ?? Do ...


FYI: schools are a bit expensive here, starting from $15k to $40k per year. however in your case it might be 4 or 5k per year. well baku is ranked 32nd most expensive city, but still is cheaper when in comes to power, gas, etc. depends where your ... Read More

kayjay replied to a thread
11 years ago

moving to baku by alexandrall

Hello planning on moving to baku and I have a 21 month year old baby. She has been brought up with gerber baby products. Is gerber baby food sold in baku markets?? How about the television channels are they English speaking ones available? ?? Do ...


hi, i guess you can get gerber products here. for tv, yes, you can get english channels as well. the cable i've got doesn't have disney in english, but they do have nickelodeon and cartoon-network in english. you can get different options for ... Read More