
moving to baku


Hello planning on moving to baku and I have a 21 month year old baby. She has been brought up with gerber baby products. Is gerber baby food sold in baku markets??  How about the television channels are they English speaking ones available? ?? Do they have Disney ( mickey mouse) English speaking cartoons???  How about Spanish shows?? How about English schools. My daughter speaks and understands English about nd Spanish mo Russian yet. I would really appreciate as much info possible please especially for baby foods available and television programming. Thanks

See also

Living in Azerbaijan: the expat guide

Hi alexandrall and welcome to :)

I hope that other members will give you some useful information soon. :)

Thank you,

Priscilla team


I hope so but no help yet :(


hi, i guess you can get gerber products here. for tv, yes, you can get english channels as well. the cable i've got doesn't have disney in english, but they do have nickelodeon and cartoon-network in english. you can get different options for it.

there are schools in english, top 3 are: TISA, BIS (baku international school) and BSB (british school baku). [my kids are going to BIS, QSI, an american chain of school].

i hope that answers your questions.



Thank you soon much!! It's scary to move to a new place with a baby :((  she has her routine established and it would be a great change want to make it as smooth as possible!!! Great they have English cartoons and regarding the English schools it's fantastic.  Anything else u can tell me would be great and highly appreciated


FYI: schools are a bit expensive here, starting from $15k to $40k per year. however in your case it might be 4 or 5k per year. well baku is ranked 32nd most expensive city, but still is cheaper when in comes to power, gas, etc. depends where your office is, you should have your house near (walking distance) as the traffic jams are horrible.

let me know if you have any specific question, will be glad to reply if i can.

take care and have a smooth move to baku :)


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Thank u again for all the information u have provided.  I had totally forgotten how about the milk, what kinds of milk are there?? My baby drinks the 2 percent.  Are There variety?? If so can u name me a couple so I can look them up. Thank u again :)


there's a great variety of milk brands here... from 1. something % to 3.5%. honestly, don't remember the name (that's my wife's department :) ) ... bottom line is that yes, you can get the milk you're looking for.