Saudi citizen
Forum posts
About me
Lives in riyadh
Speaks english arabic
Registration: 30 June 2009

New Member by colonel
Hi everybody, I am a new member on this forum, currently in Dubai and going to be in Riyadh soon.Hows life there in Riyadh? Please let me have your ideas on living with family (me and my wife only).

riyadh is completely diffrent than Dubai. Read More

Transferring to Riyadh by Qaiser
Gents, I am transferring to Riyadh from Abu Dhabi. I have lived in Abu Dhabi for 5 years. Hope I am making a good move. Cheers, Qaiser

Q, Saudi Arabia - Sun sand and OIL!! :D Cheers!:/ even Abu dabi but for saudis, its more than that.:( Read More

Women Drivers by CivEngr
Okay, gotta give credit where credit is due. I'll take a woman driver over any of the drivers around here. At least when they talk on a cell phone while driving, they can stay in their lane even while also putting on their make-up.

:P i drive in KSA as well.. he he hewith or without the Abhaya?:lol: :lol: :lol: Read More

Marrying an expat by Sara24
Hello, I'm a saudi women and I want to marry my boyfriend who is European. Has anyone ever heard of a Saudi woman marrying an expat? How can we do it? What if I dont have my family's permission, how can I still do it? I believe everything is ...

But I do know that there are other legal hassles that might make things a bit difficult. Please consult a law firm, or some one who has an idea on these things. ,agree with u Read More

Marrying an expat by Sara24
Hello, I'm a saudi women and I want to marry my boyfriend who is European. Has anyone ever heard of a Saudi woman marrying an expat? How can we do it? What if I dont have my family's permission, how can I still do it? I believe everything is ...

Dear R-M, I know my religion very well and my bf converted to Islam long ago. I wouldn't marry a non-muslim cuz i know my religion well.Thank u so much, well its a culture problem. so you r right and your family r wrong and u can go to the judge ... Read More

Marrying an expat by Sara24
Hello, I'm a saudi women and I want to marry my boyfriend who is European. Has anyone ever heard of a Saudi woman marrying an expat? How can we do it? What if I dont have my family's permission, how can I still do it? I believe everything is ...

sara, no one will kill u its all about YOUR MIND, if u are muslim you have to follow the rules (u cant marry non muslim man and u know why) and if u dont like the rules of islam just re asses your satuation and follow the rules of what u r belive ... Read More

How to check for Saher traffic camera violations by WTENGEL
Ladies, you don't have to worry about this one, but fellas, if you drive frequently, you might find this helpful. To see if you have any violations from the Saher traffic camera system attached to your license, do the following: Send an SMS text ...

onemore advice, put mirror above the car number plate, it will reflect a big white spot on the photo and hide the car plat.:P Read More

Dental Care in Riyadh by Alliecat
Okay.. been here since summer and it's time for a cleaning and checkup. My hospitalization doesn't cover dental so it's up to mebut it rather scares me here. Where do all of you go .. who do you recommend? ONLY Riyadh, please.

sigal dental center is the best. Read More

Women Drivers by CivEngr
Okay, gotta give credit where credit is due. I'll take a woman driver over any of the drivers around here. At least when they talk on a cell phone while driving, they can stay in their lane even while also putting on their make-up.

@r-m... u think u will drive after 100 years??if i see u after 100 year, i will answer your question.good that u will remember me till then... i was asking coz u mentioned u will be happy if they allow women to drive after 100 YEARS coz u wud ... Read More

Women Drivers by CivEngr
Okay, gotta give credit where credit is due. I'll take a woman driver over any of the drivers around here. At least when they talk on a cell phone while driving, they can stay in their lane even while also putting on their make-up.

@r-m... u think u will drive after 100 years??if i see u after 100 year, i will answer your question. Read More

Marrying an expat by Sara24
Hello, I'm a saudi women and I want to marry my boyfriend who is European. Has anyone ever heard of a Saudi woman marrying an expat? How can we do it? What if I dont have my family's permission, how can I still do it? I believe everything is ...

Situation, meaning the fact that one cannot be married to another here unless he or she fulfills all the legal requirements in keeping with the Shariah Law, unlike in other countries where marriage only requires the consent of the two people ... Read More

Marrying an expat by Sara24
Hello, I'm a saudi women and I want to marry my boyfriend who is European. Has anyone ever heard of a Saudi woman marrying an expat? How can we do it? What if I dont have my family's permission, how can I still do it? I believe everything is ...

yes r-m, in Riyadh she just will be prevented from marrying the guy only cos of the situation here. nobody will kill her. in other places anyone who is a major has every right to marry by choice. thats when the honor killing fireworks begins.hi ... Read More

Where is the best shisha in Riyadh? by Puff_the_Dragon
I'm looking for that special place.....the place where I can find the perfect shisha! Not a tired TV lounge with a few dirty pipes! Does anyone have any suggestions? Surely there HAS to be a nice place somewhere! Where do the locals go for a ...

" Smoking Is Dangerous To Your Health" :| :| :| Read More

Marrying an expat by Sara24
Hello, I'm a saudi women and I want to marry my boyfriend who is European. Has anyone ever heard of a Saudi woman marrying an expat? How can we do it? What if I dont have my family's permission, how can I still do it? I believe everything is ...

In India, recently Honor killings happened even the bride and bride groom were of the same religion and have every right to marry legally, but Family believed that its against their honor. So we can't generalize everything, most of the times its ... Read More

Veiled Faces No More? WHAAAAAT? by beezer
http://en.news.maktoob.com/20090000531780/_No_need_for_women_to_cover_up_-Saudi_police/Article.htm Sheikh Ahmed al-Ghamdi, outspoken head of the Mecca branch of the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, also said there was ...

Who really cares? It is the same old topic: will they cover, will they not? will they drive, will they not? The expatriates are here because of one reason (mainly): to make money and go home. Let the Saudis take care of their s---well Macdine, ... Read More