Hello great people! My name's Elvira Tamami, 35 y.o. female who's born and currently live in Jakarta, Indonesia. I earn bachelor degree in 2010 from one of the best communication school in Indonesia - The London School of Public Relations, Jakarta. Major in mass communication with 3.3 GPA. I've learned several business studies including corporate communication, marketing, advertising and public relations. My goal is simple; to be one of the best communicator in the job fields. I have 13 years experience in procurement area including 6 years working for multinational FMCG/Consumer Goods foreign company such as Nestle, Unilever and some local companies such as palm oil plantation and currently Pharmaceutical company. I'm seeking for new challenges and out from my comfort zone and discover a new world out there and that would be UK especially in Scotland. Please be in touch to get more details about my goals & achievements. Best regards, Tami e.tamami@yahoo.co.id
Miembro desde el 04 Diciembre 2018.