nongprue Francia


Expatriado francés en Tailandia
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I'm retired in Thailand. I am married and I dwell in Thailand near Pattaya for almost five years. I like english learning,advantage of the opportunity of learning languages ​​for free through internet. my project and my dream was to live with the woman I love in Thailand and it is done. now it is able to master English, which seems impossible but 'impossible' is not exactly French. This is the main purpose of my registration on this site. Thanks so much.

Miembro desde el 06 Junio 2011.

  • Intereses internet, cinema, computer, thaind, photograph, penpals, travels around world, inprove english, windows setting, to suggest pces
Registro de actividad
  • nongprue
    se ha sumado a la comunidad Tailandia

Experiencia de expatriado

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