1SNMT Inglaterra


Ciudadano inglés a quien le gustaría vivir en Canadá
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Hello, I am currently in the process of moving to Toronto and having just had my job offer and having accepted - I am know in the "What have I done" mindset, or "Am I doing the right thing?" The move is no doubt for my career and young kids.. Will I ever look back at London? Can some Torontorians give me some heads up advice? How about those of you who may have left Toronto for a better life where? All comments welcome!

Miembro desde el 23 Abril 2019.

  • Hablo English
  • Intereses it, Photography, Geeky stuff
Registro de actividad
  • 1SNMT
    se ha sumado a la comunidad Toronto

Experiencia de expatriado

Me gustaría vivir allí
Toronto, Ontario, Canadá
Vivo aquí en ese momento
Londres, Inglaterra, Inglaterra