Australian looking for information about Oman
3 posts
About me
Registration: 28 July 2019
Offered a job without an interview by MohamedandAmna
Is it normal practice to be offered a position without ever having interviewed with the company based solely on a resume/application? I'm entirely confused if this is a legitimate offer or not and don't want to uproot my family for a ...
thanks Fred Read More
Offered a job without an interview by MohamedandAmna
Is it normal practice to be offered a position without ever having interviewed with the company based solely on a resume/application? I'm entirely confused if this is a legitimate offer or not and don't want to uproot my family for a ...
thanks Fred Read More
Offered a job without an interview by MohamedandAmna
Is it normal practice to be offered a position without ever having interviewed with the company based solely on a resume/application? I'm entirely confused if this is a legitimate offer or not and don't want to uproot my family for a ...
Hi Fred, I am not the original Poster but have the same "no interview" requirements. I was wondering on your thoughts on the following detail - cant attach a file. It is written on something that looks official I am doing some more research as ... Read More