BarryJ Inglaterra


Expatriado inglés en la República Checa
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Independent thinker who walks his talk. Political, humanist & business man (IFA) looking for clients. Experienced exBanker now in Offshore Industry 37 years.Very experienced in International Pensions and Savings. Used to using QROPS, QNUPPS, SIPPS and European Movement of Capital. Trainer and Salesman for other products and totally involved with clients.

Miembro desde el 04 Agosto 2011.

  • Hablo Passable German, Read in French. Basic Czech & Great English, Business American :-)
  • Intereses books, music, Films, Health, Wellness, food, finance, investment
Registro de actividad

Experiencia de expatriado

Sep 1993 - Jun 1997
República Checa
Northampton, República Checa
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Music and business as usual

Not enough successful businesses

Ene 1980 - Ene 1981
París, Francia
Jun 1977 - Sep 1993
Goch, Alemania
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Not much, a bit wet!

Sep 1948 - Jun 1977
Londres, Inglaterra