New Zealander expat in Cambodia
Forum posts
About me
New Zealander
Lives in Phnom Penh, Phnom Penh
Registration: 10 November 2020

Costs of pre-schools and nursery (Early Years) in BKK1 Phnom Penh by Netty40
I recently did a cost comparison of pre-schools/nurseries near my apartment in BKK1 in Phnom Penh. To see what curriculum for what price etc. in case anyone is interested in seeing the results...

This forum doesn't allow me to attach spreadsheets or images - only to link to a url. I don't have the information on any url. Sorry. you will have to message me and I can send it to you. Read More

Costs of pre-schools and nursery (Early Years) in BKK1 Phnom Penh
I recently did a cost comparison of pre-schools/nurseries near my apartment in BKK1 in Phnom Penh. To see what curriculum for what price etc. in case anyone is interested in seeing the results... Read More

Quarantine Deposit by DaJeewz
Hi, I am planing to come to PP with my family. few questions. I have me my wife and a 3 year old, from details i read out, deposit required only for adults, so in my case it would be 4000 USD right I am coming on an expatriation, in terms of my cost ...

I arrived a few weeks ago and yes only USD2000 for adult is needed. You can pre-deposit the money to the govt bank account from within Cambodia (not sure about from outside of Cambodia) we did this. Then you just show your bank deposit slip on ... Read More

Homeschooling in Cambodia by Bhavna
Hello everyone, Homeschooling your children as an expat in Cambodia will definitely come with its load of challenges. Here is a special call to parents who are already homeschooling their children or who plan on doing so to share any information ...

'Invictus Family' is an online school - it is an international school run purely online for students at home (in various countries). I mentioned the on-campus school too, in case you were interested. Read More

Early & Primary Schools in the TTP area by rithya
I had a pretty interesting experience with the principal of the Zion Intl School (ZISPP) today. My 2 kids started school and I did not have any paperwork on their schedule, teacher, or curriculum prior to the first day. In haste, I enrolled them ...

You should definitely check out the new Invictus International School in PP! it is running early years (EYFS) and primary (IPC), you can enrol quickly (even this week) and the early bird prices for enrolment now are awesome! Read More

Homeschooling in Cambodia by Bhavna
Hello everyone, Homeschooling your children as an expat in Cambodia will definitely come with its load of challenges. Here is a special call to parents who are already homeschooling their children or who plan on doing so to share any information ...

The websites in my previous comment got blocked out but if you go to 'Invictus Family' or 'Invictus International School Cambodia' you will find what I was talking about. Read More

Homeschooling in Cambodia by Bhavna
Hello everyone, Homeschooling your children as an expat in Cambodia will definitely come with its load of challenges. Here is a special call to parents who are already homeschooling their children or who plan on doing so to share any information ...

Yes! check out invictus.family online international school run by Invictus International School. Or you could go to the school campus, they are offering early bird discounts when you enrol now! The Teachers are all fully qualified (not just TEFL ... Read More