
Early & Primary Schools in the TTP area


I had a pretty interesting experience with the principal of the Zion Intl School (ZISPP) today.  My 2 kids started school and I did not have any paperwork on their schedule, teacher, or curriculum prior to the first day. 

In haste, I enrolled them in the school because my wife gave me a selection after she visited 3 or 4 different schools a month ago.  We moved to the TTP area 2 days ago and we enrolled the kids in ZISPP last week. 

Previously, our kids were at a smaller school at Tree House Intl in Siem Reap.  This is a quaint and well-run school.  I thought a school in PP with a higher tuition and an American-found institution that is a nonprofit would be at a higher level in terms of administration, organization, etc.

Boy am I wrong, at least after the first day's experience.

If this first day experience portends anything, then I am going to look for another school in the area pretty soon. 

To sum up my interaction, the principal basically was a bit stressed; told me that it is unusual to have a Khmer-American parent who speaks perfect English to be so inquisitive about the school's ops; let me know there is no document he can share with the schedule or curriculum or the teacher's name or the teacher's bio.

It is pretty typical for a leader in this country to be biased and believe staff over a client.  He shared that I was difficult and demanding with him and his staff.  So I placed my foot down and let him know I did not like the engagement.  I let him know that his voice is raised and that must he going through a lot of stress in which I understand.  I let him know my voice is not raised and I am asking reasonable questions.

I let him know that as a parent I have a right to know any or all of this information.

He spilled out a lot of generalities and I let him know that his staff did not do a great job in communicating; they did not send me any emails before my kids' first day as he expected; I had no login information for Class Dojo or the school's proprietary app.  I did not know the school meals or when they would need to wear the proper attire for PE or sports.  He said he could verbalize all this for me and I suppose he wanted me to remember all this...really.  I avoided confronting him on this.

I declined his offer for a tour of the school and let him know my priority is to reduce the anxiety and stress level of my kids by understanding what my kids are learning and experiencing while at the school.  The more I know, the more I can make their adjustment more smooth. 

I am now on ClassDojo and have access to the school App.  I have scheduled a meeting with one of the teachers when earlier both staff and the principal said that it is not normal for a parent to have time to speak with the teacher.

So I hope the week will improve for me and my kids.

In the meantime, if anyone has had a different experience at a pre-K or Primary School or if this is par for the course please let me know.  If there is a better school in the TTP for a 3rd grader and a preschooler, please share.

See also

Student life in Phnom PenhStudying in Phnom PenhStudy in CambodiaPrivate TutoringSchools in PP

You should definitely check out the new Invictus International School in PP!  it is running early years (EYFS) and primary (IPC), you can enrol quickly (even this week) and the early bird prices for enrolment now are awesome!


I would say to you, as a former Secondary Administrative Principal, this type of treatment is not acceptable or the norm.  I worked at Footprints International School.  Their preschool, Ms. Anabell, Director, and their elementary, Mr. Justin, Principal are much more professional and courteous.  I would go to the TTP campus as ask for a tour.  I think FIS would be a better fit for your children.


thanks for the suggestion.  i had thought if this were to be the norm, then i would prefer to homeschool my children instead.