themischos EE UU


Ciudadana estadounidense a quien gustar�a vivir en Escocia
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I am married to my high school sweetheart. We were apart for several years, reunited, and have been happily married for over 7 years. We adopted a rescue dog (chihuahua/terrier) 2 yrs ago, and she's amazing. I'm a social worker with nearly 20 years in the mental health field, and I'm always amazed that I get paid to spend my working hours doing what I love. I am considering returning to school for a PhD, and this sounds like a good time and reason to explore life in a different areas of the world, and Scotland fit most of our criteria. We're coming from the Pacific Northwest, and (I have to admit) it's harder for me to leave than it is for my husband. But as long as we're together, I know we'll be happy. I'm in the early stages of exploring the move, and any input is gratefully accepted. I was glad to find this site because much as I want to move, it also sounds like a scary, complicated, and confusing. But it also sounds like a great adventure and opportunity to see this amazing world.

Miembro desde el 04 Septiembre 2011.

  • Intereses reading, geocaching, white water rafting
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  • themischos
    se ha sumado a la comunidad Escocia

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