


Hungarian looking for information about Romania


11 posts

About me


Speaks I can speak russian, english, and I ubderstand the romanian, but I can speak.

Registration: 26 May 2021


zsuzsannacsaladkutatas replied to a thread
2 years ago

Jews in Sathmar, Szatmarnemeti, Satu-Mare, in Hungary, now in Romania by zsuzsannacsaladkutatas

Hi, I did a family history research and cemetery research in Satu Mare. I have complete resource about the two jewish cemeteries from Satu Mare. Dated, names, years, photos. If somebody wants my assist, or my database, please, write! Susan ...


Dear Leiby!Please, send me the known datas (name, birth and/or death years) to my Mail address!***Susan (Zsuzsánna) Read More

zsuzsannacsaladkutatas replied to a thread
3 years ago

BRD or Raiffeisen Bank for payroll? by sasayins

Hello, Im choosing between BRD and Raiffeisen bank to create for my payroll account. May I know your point of views what is the best bank between the two? Thanks


I think BT is better, because I'm a hungarian nationality, and I live in Cluj-Napoca (hungarian Kolozsvar). I think it is a correct Bank, and I allway can to use a hard background. It is very important, if somebody have some problems about the ... Read More

zsuzsannacsaladkutatas replied to a thread
3 years ago

Jews in Sathmar, Szatmarnemeti, Satu-Mare, in Hungary, now in Romania by zsuzsannacsaladkutatas

Hi, I did a family history research and cemetery research in Satu Mare. I have complete resource about the two jewish cemeteries from Satu Mare. Dated, names, years, photos. If somebody wants my assist, or my database, please, write! Susan ...


Hi, Karen! Why do you want my personal datas? What can I help you (make assist( for your research processes? Susan Read More

zsuzsannacsaladkutatas created a thread
3 years ago

Jews in Sathmar, Szatmarnemeti, Satu-Mare, in Hungary, now in Romania

Hi, I did a family history research and cemetery research in Satu Mare. I have complete resource about the two jewish cemeteries from Satu Mare. Dated, names, years, photos. If somebody wants my assist, or my database, please, write! Susan ... Read More

zsuzsannacsaladkutatas replied to a thread
3 years ago

Hungarian Simplified Naturalization--legal assessment needed by deelindsay

I am curious if my cousin and I qualify for Hungarian citizenship by descent. Can anyone recommend a lawyer that could analyze our situation before going through the process of collecting, translating and certifying a bunch of documents? Our ...


Dear Marilyn! Your story is a very interesant! Historical side: During the period under study, when your ancestors lived in Kunkowa, the settlement was not in Hungary. This does not preclude people of Hungarian nationality from living ... Read More

zsuzsannacsaladkutatas replied to a thread
3 years ago

Hungarian Simplified Naturalization--legal assessment needed by deelindsay

I am curious if my cousin and I qualify for Hungarian citizenship by descent. Can anyone recommend a lawyer that could analyze our situation before going through the process of collecting, translating and certifying a bunch of documents? Our ...


Dear Marylyn! Austria/Hungary was a Dualist State. These were two States with concrete borders. At first I need to exactly know, what was the birth place of "the grandmother". After this I can say opinions. Susan Read More

zsuzsannacsaladkutatas replied to a thread
3 years ago

Hungarian Simplified Naturalization--legal assessment needed by deelindsay

I am curious if my cousin and I qualify for Hungarian citizenship by descent. Can anyone recommend a lawyer that could analyze our situation before going through the process of collecting, translating and certifying a bunch of documents? Our ...


Can you explain the content of the comment? Zsuzsánna (Susan) Read More

zsuzsannacsaladkutatas replied to a thread
3 years ago

Hungarian Simplified Naturalization--legal assessment needed by deelindsay

I am curious if my cousin and I qualify for Hungarian citizenship by descent. Can anyone recommend a lawyer that could analyze our situation before going through the process of collecting, translating and certifying a bunch of documents? Our ...


Hi, my name is Susan, I'm a hungarian nationality fanily history researcher. I'm not an attorney or laweyer, but I do researches about the simplified hungarian naturalization. Acquire the citizenship status may have not in only one ... Read More