


Hungarian citizen

Forum posts


About me


Lives in Budapest

Registration: 11 August 2009


Szano79 replied to a thread
15 years ago

Working in Hungary by mr_scarecrow

Tried looking around online but havent found all the information I need so thought I'd throw it out here too and see if anyone can help. British national, wondering if theres certain forms I need to work in Hungary such as a tax code (we have ...


I wish if my only problem would be my pronounciation. Of course I know it is very important. Once it happened that my American friend didn't understand me when I told her McDonalds, as somehow I pronounced it badly. You must be very good in English. ... Read More

Szano79 replied to a thread
15 years ago

Working in Hungary by mr_scarecrow

Tried looking around online but havent found all the information I need so thought I'd throw it out here too and see if anyone can help. British national, wondering if theres certain forms I need to work in Hungary such as a tax code (we have ...


I think is a site where you can find physical jobs as well. Cleaner = takarito in Hungarian, if you are interested, probably it is worth to try. I guess that these kind of jobs are rather published in real newspapers. How is the ... Read More

Szano79 replied to a thread
15 years ago

Working in Hungary by mr_scarecrow

Tried looking around online but havent found all the information I need so thought I'd throw it out here too and see if anyone can help. British national, wondering if theres certain forms I need to work in Hungary such as a tax code (we have ...


I think it will be probably harder to find a job as a cleaner (because you don't speak Hungarian) than find anything else. I mean with your native English you can find a job in a Call Center probably, there are a lot over here and they need native ... Read More

Szano79 replied to a thread
15 years ago

Books in Budapest! by Hollycat

Hi I am new to this forum and have been in Budapest now since August and and am really loving living here. I am an avid reader, but I find books horrendously expensive compared to the UK. I have joined a nearby library that has some English books, ...


Hi Julien, Thank you. My original post was: I recommend to you. They deliver to Hungary for free and the prices are very good, sometimes cheaper than Read More

Szano79 replied to a thread
15 years ago

Books in Budapest! by Hollycat

Hi I am new to this forum and have been in Budapest now since August and and am really loving living here. I am an avid reader, but I find books horrendously expensive compared to the UK. I have joined a nearby library that has some English books, ...


I am a bit annoyed that my comment was moderated...I don't work for that company, I just love their service and I thought it is very helpful to share this information as I think not too many people in Hungary knows about this possibilty... It is ... Read More

Szano79 replied to a thread
15 years ago

Books in Budapest! by Hollycat

Hi I am new to this forum and have been in Budapest now since August and and am really loving living here. I am an avid reader, but I find books horrendously expensive compared to the UK. I have joined a nearby library that has some English books, ...


Hi, I recommend (moderated: no ads)to you. They deliver to Hungary for free and the prices are very good, sometimes cheaper than Read More

Szano79 replied to a thread
15 years ago

Please translate these 2 phrases by acaciopascoal

Hi all Please can someone translate these 2 sentences to Hungarian? 1. A goal without a plan is just a wish. 2. Nothing can be done at once hastily and prudently. Thanks (!!)


Hi, I understand what these sentences mean, but I am not sure if we have any proverb for these in Hungarian. 1. Egy cél terv nélkül csak vágy marad. 2. If I translate it word by word: Nem lehet semmit egyszerre gyorsan és bölcsen megcsinálni. And ... Read More

Szano79 replied to a thread
15 years ago

Can I live on this? by m7

Hello everyone, I'm new to this forum and would like to ask people on their experiences in terms of the cost of living in Budapest. I have found many threads on the subject though opinions seem to vary wildly. I am currently considering a job offer ...


130.000 HUF for a 10-15 hours/week job is not bad here, in Hungary. With private lessons your earnings can be enough. If you don't mind sharing a flat, you will be able to save money. Why is it better to teach here than in England?:) Read More

Szano79 replied to a thread
15 years ago

Possibly moving to Debrecen - have a couple questions by jjoensuu

Hi all I have received a job offer from a company located in Debrecen. One of my concerns relates to that it would not just be me moving in but also my wife and our 11-year old daughter. Our daughter speaks English and (some) French but no ...


Hi, this is a tough question. Personally I don't think that there are many African-American in Debrecen, but I haven't been there a while. But there are not many African-American in the capital, either. Probably you have noticed that it has a big ... Read More

Szano79 replied to a thread
15 years ago

Looking for an English teacher by Szano79

Hi, I am looking for an English teacher. He/she doesn't have to be native, but I would like to learn English from someone who is not Hungarian and doesn't speak Hungarian very well. I will try to take an advanced exam in the beginning of September, ...


Thanks, it seems that I have found someone, I hope it will be ok. Anyway I have just come back from Cambridge, I have spent there 14 months. I really miss it, it is a very good city to live in. I hope you like it, do you? Read More

Szano79 created a thread
15 years ago

Looking for an English teacher

Hi, I am looking for an English teacher. He/she doesn't have to be native, but I would like to learn English from someone who is not Hungarian and doesn't speak Hungarian very well. I will try to take an advanced exam in the beginning of September, ... Read More