Willjim Irlanda


Expatriado irlandés en Alemania
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3 Publicaciones en el foro

A cerca de

Froma village outside of Dublin, i moved to Nürnberg just after my leaving cert, intended to stay for six months and am now in my 20th year. Served my time here, and am currently in a distance learning programme. i am married with one son and a second baby on the way. I work in Erlangen , live in Amberg and work all over Bayern!

Miembro desde el 29 Septiembre 2011.

  • Intereses reading, writing, movies, my son
Registro de actividad
  • Willjim
    se ha sumado a la comunidad Alemania

Experiencia de expatriado

Desde Septiembre 2003
Amberg, Alemania
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Came here for a day trip, got stuck, later met my wife here.

Ene 1975 - Sep 1992
Dublín, Irlanda
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Born and grew up there.

the changes due to the celtic tiger.