Canadian expat in Spain
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Barcelona
Registration: 17 October 2011

Family-less expats in Barcelona for xmas: Let's eat/drink/be merry by KellyR
Hello all, If you too are stuck in Barcelona and away from your family for Christmas, how about joining my flatmate and I for drinks and possibly turkey dinner at a local pub? We'll be out on the town Saturday night (Dec. 24). Post if you're ...

I would be interested in some holiday cheer....let me know where you are planning to meet :) Read More

Expat blog meetup - Friday 11th November by JPope
So, we haven't had an expat meetup from this forum for a while (that actually happens and people come to), so let's have one! We'll be meeting on the 11th November: London Bar, C/ Nou de la Rambla, 34 at about 8pm. Anyone who fancies coming ...

I will definitely come by as well. Cheers Read More

Hola all expats in Barcelona! by sophieglasfurd
Ciao everyone!! Just wanted to introduce myself to you all as just booked my one way ticket to move to Barcelona in two weeks time! Will be on the job and accommodation search as soon as i exit the plane (17th October i arrive) so if any of you ...

Hello All, I am moving to Barcelona on November 3rd for 3+ months on a work assignment. I'm from Vancouver, Canada and was hoping to meet other ex-pats to experience the city with. If there is a gathering or if anyone would like to grab a drink ... Read More