irishgent EE UU


Ciudadano estadounidense a quien le gustaría vivir en Tailandia
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Hello! My name is Jim and I live in Las Vegas. In 1969-70 I was stationed at U-Tapao Thailand with the 635th Combat Supply Squadron of the US Air Force. I left in July, 1970 and have never made it back to Thailand; although I have dreamed of it for many years. I am retired and my kids are grown and my marriage is sour so maybe it is time to move on. Thailand would be my logical choice. I love the people of Thailand and also feel at home in the tropical climate. So much beauty. Thanks for reading. If anyone there was at U-Tapao please let me know. Always looking for war buddies. jim

Miembro desde el 09 Noviembre 2011.

  • Intereses sailing, reading, writing, golf, fishing, sightseeing
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  • irishgent
    se ha sumado a la comunidad Tailandia

Experiencia de expatriado

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