mimane #31#

mimane #31#

New member

Algerian looking for information about USA

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Registration: 26 March 2023


mimane #31# replied to a thread
last year

How to get divorce in America by kerroutnadia123

Hello . I am moroccan and I am married to a morrocan man . We did 2 marriages . One in Morocco and one in the US. He divorced in Morocco . I want to divorce him in America. How can I do that please?

mimane #31#

@tchoffosandra me it's been 07 years my file it is not treated Read More

mimane #31# replied to a thread
last year
mimane #31#

Family reunification - how long will it take? by mimane #31#

I have a brother and sister family reunification file it's been 07 years since then 2016 I'm waiting for the answer and I have no news is this delay normal???

mimane #31#

Hi...he told me the lawyer that all the regrouping files they did not process and this delay because of the period of covid!!!!! Read More

mimane #31# replied to a thread
last year
mimane #31#

Family reunification - how long will it take? by mimane #31#

I have a brother and sister family reunification file it's been 07 years since then 2016 I'm waiting for the answer and I have no news is this delay normal???

mimane #31#

Hello everyone,my brother and American citizen submitted a file for family reunification in the brother and sister category for me since 2016 and I have not thought about it since I ask you to tell me how long it will take for the file to be ... Read More

mimane #31# created a thread
last year

Family reunification - how long will it take?

I have a brother and sister family reunification file it's been 07 years since then 2016 I'm waiting for the answer and I have no news is this delay normal??? Read More