Dewayne Stevens

Dewayne Stevens

New member

American looking for information about Dominican Republic


7 posts

About me


Registration: 07 August 2023


Dewayne Stevens replied to a thread
2 months ago

Traffic tickets by gainkeeper

I hope people on here aren't too cautious to give an honest answer. My experience is that DR police look for any excuse to stop a gringo. I've been stopped several times for very minor infractions while 3 Dominican drivers drove on the wrong side of ...

Dewayne Stevens

I got pulled over between Imbert and Puerta Plata it cost me 10US dollars .Two miles further was another set but they must have been napping I passed them . Read More

Dewayne Stevens created a thread
last year

Container houses

Is there any housing made with shipping containers in DR.Are there any company's that specialize or have any knowledge of it in DR. Read More

Dewayne Stevens created a thread
last year

Passport check

Can anyone explain why airport personnel are checking your passport after you have checked in ,gone thru customs and security before you proceed to your gate.I see it happening a lot at the airport in Santiago and many have the same question and ... Read More

Dewayne Stevens replied to a thread
last year

Looking for fastest path to be together in u.s. by Shestheone

First question I have, is there such thing as a girlfriend / boyfriend Visa? I know that a fiance visa exist? I don't know if it was just a translation error or if there is such thing as hey girlfriend / boyfriend Visa. It keeps getting mentioned in ...

Dewayne Stevens

My wife came to America on a visitors visa since I had planned on retiring and moving to DR until plans changed.Any way we filled out the paperwork sent in all documents in duplicate since one form goes one direction and one the other direction ... Read More

Dewayne Stevens replied to a thread
last year

Driving in DR by Guest2022

It has been a dreadful day on the roads in DR. At least twelve deaths in two accidents - one in the early hours in Monte Plata - and one early this mornimg on Autopista Duarte north of Piedra Blanca. It is reported that two American doctors ...

Dewayne Stevens

My first time driving in DR was scary but I figured if I can drive a million dollar armoured vehicle in the military game on.My biggest concern is the moto bikes they have no concern for their lives or others and one day my fear is one will F around ... Read More

Dewayne Stevens replied to a thread
last year

VA health insurance by ondami

This is probably a question for a lawyer; however, thought I’d throw it out there and see what happens.does anyone know if VA health insurance would qualify for the Health Insurance requirement when moving to DR?Thank you.

Dewayne Stevens

@ondami following Read More

Dewayne Stevens replied to a thread
last year

Quickest Way to Get A Dominican into US by kschw9883

I have a GF and I want to know the quickest way to get her into the US.Please help if possible

Dewayne Stevens

Look before you leap.I suggest you go online to USCIS and do your research and really read the information provided .If you have a butt load of pictures on your phone of the two of you print out about 40 -60 of them old to new . No cell phone usage ... Read More