mohammed shafique
Pakistani expat in Bahrain
Forum posts
About me
Registration: 21 November 2023

Lmra fine on my CPR by mohammed shafique
Sir I was working in restaurant on same cr visa،in April -23 lmra came there and caught others 2 workers with out same cr visa and fined 2000 bd on cr and took my signature on summon's form, because no other legal person was available that ...

Thanks for reply Read More

Lmra fine on my CPR by mohammed shafique
Sir I was working in restaurant on same cr visa،in April -23 lmra came there and caught others 2 workers with out same cr visa and fined 2000 bd on cr and took my signature on summon's form, because no other legal person was available that ...

At the time of lmra inspection,I had proper work visa on same cr.i was not working illegally.some one told me that if cr close,and owner didn't paid fine it is automatically come on person, who signed summon' paper as legal worker.is it true? Read More

Lmra fine on my CPR
Sir I was working in restaurant on same cr visa،in April -23 lmra came there and caught others 2 workers with out same cr visa and fined 2000 bd on cr and took my signature on summon's form, because no other legal person was available that ... Read More