Gerard Nardini
American looking for information about Brazil
Forum posts
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Speaks Portuguese
Registration: 23 December 2023

DCC (Dynamic Currency Conversion) - why you want to avoid it by mikehunter
TLDR: Use a DISCOVER Card or AMEX, they don't engage in these shenanigans. I personally find this so called feature incredibly annoying. When you are in a foreign country and want to pay for something and use your Mastercard or Visa,the terminal ...

Glad you brought this up. ATM screen action buttons are all on the lower right to proceed... so unless you read the screen showing the currency conversion scam and look LEFT for the decline button it becomes super easy to fall for this obviously ... Read More

Leaving Brazil with only CRNM number but not the actual resident card by Mischa1864
Hi all, I have been waiting for my resident card here. But I got an emergency back home that I need to leave Brazil ASAP. I have my CRNM number active in the system. But I am still waiting for the actual reisdent card. So can I leave Brazil with ...

@mikehunterThanks for clueing me in one the 1 year document expiring pitfall.Only retirement visa benefit I see is that I can stay longer than 90 days in Brazil as lawyer claims 90 day extensions are no longer being rubber stamped. Not sure how he ... Read More

2024: CRNM Printing Delays Explained by mikehunter
The attached links explain the situation. TLDR: The agreement between the government and the contracted factory has ended, which is resulting in the delay of cards issuance. On February 14, 2024, a statement was published in the ...

Im returning to Brazil next week and was considering skipping having to show up at PF just to renew my expiring Protocolo next week. I figured I'd only go to PF if I wanted to leave Brazil without having my CRNM ready....today my lawyer sent this ... Read More

2024: CRNM Printing Delays Explained by mikehunter
The attached links explain the situation. TLDR: The agreement between the government and the contracted factory has ended, which is resulting in the delay of cards issuance. On February 14, 2024, a statement was published in the ...

This link gives status of your CRNM card. Mine says still processing (after 85 days).If it's not ready and I want to leave Brazil I'll be sure to get a newer Protocolo. Thanks ... Read More

Leaving Brazil with only CRNM number but not the actual resident card by Mischa1864
Hi all, I have been waiting for my resident card here. But I got an emergency back home that I need to leave Brazil ASAP. I have my CRNM number active in the system. But I am still waiting for the actual reisdent card. So can I leave Brazil with ...

Thanks! I decided I will go to Brazil / PF and get another Protocolo before mine expires next week. Lawyer said they shouldn't hassle me as a Protocolo is just a receipt showing you are waiting for your CRNM card to be printed. Plus the PF is aware ... Read More

Protocolo expiring by Gerard Nardini
I'm being told by my not so reliable lawyer I'm required to return to Brazil next week BEFORE my Protocolo expires DESPITE the delay by the PF in issuing new ID cards. Does anyone have any knowledge if this is true? Really don't want to return ...

Thank you so much for taking the time to understand my situation Mike! Everything you state was re-iterated by my lawyer. He also sent a link which I can check on the status of my CRNM card, which the system states "pending". My residency permit ... Read More

Protocolo expiring by Gerard Nardini
I'm being told by my not so reliable lawyer I'm required to return to Brazil next week BEFORE my Protocolo expires DESPITE the delay by the PF in issuing new ID cards. Does anyone have any knowledge if this is true? Really don't want to return ...

@mikehunterThanks! I now imagine my lawyer must be picking up my CRNM and mailing it to my Brazilian address. This is why I was told it would mailed.When I scan QR code it states my residence permit is valid until December. Is that all I need to ... Read More

Protocolo expiring by Gerard Nardini
I'm being told by my not so reliable lawyer I'm required to return to Brazil next week BEFORE my Protocolo expires DESPITE the delay by the PF in issuing new ID cards. Does anyone have any knowledge if this is true? Really don't want to return ...

I recently applied for and received Brazilian residency BUT I am out of country waiting on my ID card to be mailed to my Brazilian address. Meanwhile the Protocolo receipt they issued me in lieu of the printed ID card is now set to ... Read More

Protocolo expiring
I'm being told by my not so reliable lawyer I'm required to return to Brazil next week BEFORE my Protocolo expires DESPITE the delay by the PF in issuing new ID cards. Does anyone have any knowledge if this is true? Really don't want to return ... Read More

Leaving Brazil with only CRNM number but not the actual resident card by Mischa1864
Hi all, I have been waiting for my resident card here. But I got an emergency back home that I need to leave Brazil ASAP. I have my CRNM number active in the system. But I am still waiting for the actual reisdent card. So can I leave Brazil with ...

Still no CRNM mailed. My Protocolo expires in 10 days.Any updates or advise? Should I fly back ASAP? Read More

Brazilian bank account for expats by Kurterino
I’ve done a search on the topic and was surprised that nothing turned up, so here’s the question: which bank do you recommend for an expat? Meaning it should be easy and cheap to transfer money from a foreign bank account to it, equally ...

Thanks so much! The better question is what am i missing!Wow, i would love to transfer funds while only paying what you pay! Is there a dollar limit or some other restrictions? Love how you circumvented the wire fees on both ends! Wait, how do the ... Read More

Brazilian bank account for expats by Kurterino
I’ve done a search on the topic and was surprised that nothing turned up, so here’s the question: which bank do you recommend for an expat? Meaning it should be easy and cheap to transfer money from a foreign bank account to it, equally ...

Sorry, my interest rate on my itau digital bank iti account is currently 9.92% down from 11.75% last i had checked it in July. The account provides me with Pix and yields 100% of the CDI (interbank rate).My Issue is I have been ... Read More

Brazilian bank account for expats by Kurterino
I’ve done a search on the topic and was surprised that nothing turned up, so here’s the question: which bank do you recommend for an expat? Meaning it should be easy and cheap to transfer money from a foreign bank account to it, equally ...

New resident here...can anyone in the know, recommend a Brazilian bank that will give me the best customer NET rate when transferring money from the US? Ideally one that's paying the highest interest rates on larger deposits.I don't see this ... Read More

The evisa has again be postponed, now until 10 April 2024 by rraypo
According to the Brazilian news services, the EVisa requirement to enter Brazil (for US, Canada, and Australian passport travelers) has been postponed until 10 April 2024.I have not been able to verify this yet through government websites, so, stay ...

My Brazillian lawyer thinks they will probably scrap the whole ill-conceived, nonsensical, difficult to implement, visa idea. He also said 90 day extensions are no longer getting rubber-stamped. I will verify and post my findings next week or so ... Read More

Retirement Visa Snag by Gerard Nardini
The Brazilian government has just approved my retirement visa application. However because I already stayed 180 days this year and left and retirement visas must be picked up or processed in Brazil ONLY… I’m being prevented from ...

@abthreeAn aspect to this process worth noting is just how many false assumptions i made and there’s probably more. Only after sucessfully reentering and today calmly re-reading your post (and others) do i realize just how accurately you ... Read More