Msfizz Nueva Zelanda


Expatriada neozelandesa en Malasia
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12 Publicaciones en el foro

A cerca de

I am a camera operator and a video editor by profession. I worked in New Zealand for 8 years with some of the largest broadcasting and production companies there. I am now building an international business based on cutting age anti-aging science while based in Malaysia. I travel often for both business and pleasure and (yes, I am in a committed relationship) I enjoy meeting amazing, friendly people wherever I go (for friendship and networking purposes only). So do drop me a line and I would love to make a new friend.

Miembro desde el 04 Febrero 2012.

  • Intereses photography, music, networking, dance, business, film making
Registro de actividad
  • Msfizz
    se ha sumado a la comunidad Auckland

Experiencia de expatriado

Ene 2003 - May 2010
Auckland, Malasia
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I studied and worked in Auckland and travelled around New Zealand.

Nueva Zelanda
Nueva Zelanda