Belgian expat in Spain
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Madrid
Speaks Dutch, French, English, Spanish
Registration: 28 May 2008

Trying to pick a neighborhood by SFAndy
My husband and I have decided to relocate from San Francisco to Madrid as soon as we have things tied up here. If all goes as planned that should be possible by the end of 2021/beginning of 2022. Even though it's still a ways off in the future ...

Maybe check out La Moraleja, just outside Madrid. Lots of expats live there because of international/bilingual schools. Lots of gardens, semi-gated communities, chalets. Not cheap though and honestly a bit posh (like the Salamanca neighbourhood in ... Read More

Looking for High School recommendations for expat family by lindocarlos
Planing to move from USA to Madrid next Summer ('21). My son will be a rising sophomore by then. Interested in recommendations for an international high school. Ideally American, British curriculum, IB certificate option and strong athletic ...

I would check out schools in La Moraleja area. My son goes to ICS (International College of Spain) an IB school with MYP and DP (Middle Years Programme and Diploma Programme). Read More

Secondhand furniture. by mannyellis
Hello all. Any help would be appreciated. Could anyone advise me of the best place to buy a cheap secondhand furniture/shops in the Andalucia area. I am currently in the middle of purchasing a house in Andalucia, and would love furnish it ...

I would say check Wallapop or local specialised Facebook groups. Read More

IB/ British schools in Madrid by Jos78
Hi all👋 My family will move soon to Madrid and I’m starting to look for schools for my two kids ( age 9 and 14). I would be interested in any feedback for St. George’s International school and any further suggestion would be ...

My son goes to ICS (International College of Spain) in La Moraleja. They are part of the Nord Anglia group and they offer PYP, MYP and the diploma programme (ages 3-18). Read More

International shools in Madrid by Paulo RMC
hello I am looking to move to Madrid. I would like to receive some information about international schools in Madrid. My son is 11 years old and he is studying in an American School in China (6 grade) thanks

Most are located in La Moraleja. ICS is an IB (International Baccalaureate) school which offers the Middle Year Programme (MYP). If you want to continue the American system you have Casvi International American School or The American School of ... Read More

Moving from USA to Madrid by andresko
Hello Everyone! My family (wife and 3yr old) will be making a giant leap from Los Angeles to Madrid in about 4 months! I was hoping to get a few tips regarding areas to live between Madrid (centro) and Fuenlabrada. Work will be in Fuenlabrada but ...

How about Pozuelo de Alarcon or La Moraleja? We live in La Moraleja because it's very international due to the many international schools there. Not cheap though... Read More

New members of the Spain forum, introduce yourselves here - 2018 by Julien
Hi all, Newbie on the Spain forum? Don’t know how to start? This thread is for you ;) We invite you to introduce yourself on this topic, to share with us your expat story if you are already living in the country, or to tell us more on ...

Hello Spain, we are a Belgian (Flemish) serial expat family. We will be moving to Soto de la Moraleja, Madrid this July and our 8-year old son will start at the International College of Spain in September. If anyone lives close by, has useful tips ... Read More

Meeting native English speakers in Toulouse by Marajuano
Hi there! I'm Giovanni. I'm 18 and am a student here in Toulouse and can speak both English and French natively . Although I am not part of the city's expat community, I would be very interested in getting in touch with other young ...

Hey Giovanni, Check Meetup, they have several groups and so does Facebook. Good luck! Read More

What Language do you need to speak to live in Belgium? by topez
Is there a place in Belgium for English speaking person?

To be honest, if you don't speak either Dutch (Flemish in the north) or French (Walloon in Brussels and the south) it will be very hard. Here a few sites with info about Belgium and Brussels ... Read More

Volunteering in Belgium by Maximilien
Hi, While living abroad, some expats wish to get involved in the local community life. What organizations expats can turn to if they want to volunteer in Belgium? How to join a charitable institution, what are the steps? Which causes ...

Check out http://www.vrijwilligerswerk.be/node/vacatures and select the criteria you prefer. You will probably need the help of a (Flemish) native speaker. Good luck! Read More

Living in the suburbs of London ??? need some info by Ninaa_persian
Hello everyone, I would need some information , I would like to move to England and to work in London, but its really hard to find something to rent with my budget in London; I would like to know if there is or nearby suburbs that are connected by ...

Have you tried looking at the train lines? For example I live in Surrey and trains from Guildford or Woking take about half an hour to reach Waterloo station. Maye worth looking into. Bonne chance! Read More

WANTED: German Tutor by DarthMalkirn
Hi all, I want to find a patient tutor to teach me the German language.

You could also consider launching this request on the general forum and get worldwide coverage. I'm sure there are many Germans scattered around the world as bored as you are willing to Skype and teach you basic German conversation skills. Widen ... Read More

Flea markets in Belgium by DarthMalkirn
Can anyone recommend decent flea markets in or within reasonable distance to Brussels. TIA

check ... Read More

Bored House Husband stuck in this boring city Brussels by DarthMalkirn
Help, I am a British house husband totally bored in Brussels it would be nice to have an intelligent conversation with people who are in the same situation.

Bored?! Life is too short to be bored. I wrote a few posts on Brussel in my blog. You can take a look here: http://allthecontinentsinonelifetime.blogspot.co.uk/search/label/Brussels If none of it appeals to you maybe you could tell us what you ... Read More

Assisted dying by El_Jost
Just saw a program on BBC TV discussing how one old British guy came to Switzerland to end his life. Apparently Swiss law is a bit more liberal in that sense compared to UK law. In the UK if you helped by procuring or giving something to someone ...

I am all for euthanasia. I even wrote a post about it in my blog when my terminally ill father-in-law made it clear to us (in 2013) that he was considering it (because it is legal in Belgium, my home country). He didn't do it in the end, ... Read More