American looking for information about Vietnam
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Registration: 14 May 2012

Flag football (american football) ??? by lude2u
Hello everyone! ive been lurking on this forum for awhile but just recently registered. I am curious to know if anyone know of any sort of group that gets together and play flag football(American style football) in Saigon? Ive tried searching a ...

I might check out the RMIT thing this Friday if anyone wants to meet me there around 4:30-5pm at the RMIT outdoor field. A group including faculties and students play and welcome outsiders as well. Read More

Flag football (american football) ??? by lude2u
Hello everyone! ive been lurking on this forum for awhile but just recently registered. I am curious to know if anyone know of any sort of group that gets together and play flag football(American style football) in Saigon? Ive tried searching a ...

I have the football and flags. I would be down to meet up and toss the football around, also. I used to play almost every Sunday and now missing those days, as well. Thanks for the info SkyTOP. Read More

Flag football (american football) ??? by lude2u
Hello everyone! ive been lurking on this forum for awhile but just recently registered. I am curious to know if anyone know of any sort of group that gets together and play flag football(American style football) in Saigon? Ive tried searching a ...

We never had the right amount of people wanting to play or can coordinate the right time. I will be back to HCMC this Wednesday if anyone wants to play this weekend, please let us know! Maybe we can get a 4on4 game on, but 5on5 game is more fun. ... Read More

Flag football (american football) ??? by lude2u
Hello everyone! ive been lurking on this forum for awhile but just recently registered. I am curious to know if anyone know of any sort of group that gets together and play flag football(American style football) in Saigon? Ive tried searching a ...

We dont have many...if you know of others that would be great. Hopefully this weekend! Read More

Flag football (american football) ??? by lude2u
Hello everyone! ive been lurking on this forum for awhile but just recently registered. I am curious to know if anyone know of any sort of group that gets together and play flag football(American style football) in Saigon? Ive tried searching a ...

alright, so we have engough for a 2on2 game now. haha. Vince, the artificial field at 41 Huỳnh Thiên Lộc, Hoà Thạnh, dítrict: Tân Phú is a good size field for flag football. Read More

Flag football (american football) ??? by lude2u
Hello everyone! ive been lurking on this forum for awhile but just recently registered. I am curious to know if anyone know of any sort of group that gets together and play flag football(American style football) in Saigon? Ive tried searching a ...

Im currently staying in Tan Phu District. I never saw anything special about Gabbert coming out from college, but hopefully he can improve. Blackmon is a beast but has two DUIs already...might be out of the league in 3 years. Read More

Flag football (american football) ??? by lude2u
Hello everyone! ive been lurking on this forum for awhile but just recently registered. I am curious to know if anyone know of any sort of group that gets together and play flag football(American style football) in Saigon? Ive tried searching a ...

Jerry, I do like the Giants as well. Im a little ashamed to tell you who my beloved team is (**Ahem** The Jaguars..). haha. Other than MJD, the team is pretty bad. If you know of others who would like to play, that'll be great. We just need ... Read More

Flag football (american football) ???
Hello everyone! ive been lurking on this forum for awhile but just recently registered. I am curious to know if anyone know of any sort of group that gets together and play flag football(American style football) in Saigon? Ive tried searching a ... Read More