convert girl
Indonesian citizen
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Kuala Lumpur
Registration: 29 September 2012

Need suggestions where to open pakistani resturant in KL by desert_decent
Hi ever one, I am a pakistani national and want to open pakistani resturant in KL or any other city of Malaysia. I need good suggestions from all communities about the best location selection for my resturant, how i can make it can cost effective ...

Hi.. I would suggest you open your Pakistani restaurant in Kuala Lumpur or Petaling Jaya instead of other cities in Malaysia because the population of those two areas are exposed to foreign restaurants. Answering your questions: 1. Rental : Really ... Read More

starting a new restaurant in KL or Selangor - need some help by rasel10
I am planning to start a new restaurant of local cuisines in KL or Selangor. I have zero experience on this business and I really dont know where and how to do this. I am looking for a good location (not in downtown or Bukit Bintang) area and it can ...

Hi Rasel I agree with the above comments that opening and running a restaurant business is not easy, not only in malaysia but also all over the world. Since this is your first experience in F&B industry, i would suggest you do your research on the ... Read More