Forum posts
About me
Lives in the netherlands
Registration: 19 July 2006

it's been quiet... by dmscvan
It seems as if it's been rather quiet around here lately. So what's everyone been kept busy with? For me it's my thesis... Some guesses: many are too busy watching the World Cup to wander the expat forum... many are enjoying the start of summer ...

I am new to this site- very cool! Actually home sick for a few days so spending lots of time online. Hopefully better before holidays in a few weeks! Julien is this site your creation? Read More

new to expat-blog by abitblue
Hi- I'm a 30-something American girl and have lived in the Netherlands for almost 5 years; just added my blog. I relocated for my Dutchie, am an artist and live in Utrecht http://abitblue.livejournal.com/ Doei :)

yes, orchids are my favorite. FYI: Doei isn't my name, it means ''see you'' in dutch :) Kerryanne Read More

new to expat-blog
Hi- I'm a 30-something American girl and have lived in the Netherlands for almost 5 years; just added my blog. I relocated for my Dutchie, am an artist and live in Utrecht http://abitblue.livejournal.com/ Doei :) Read More