Lolo7 Ireland


Irish expat in Germany
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I am a musician and vocal coach living in Germany. Would like to return home to live. Anyone out there who's done that or is thinking of it please get in touch. I have a base to live at the start with my mother and sister in Portmarnock, Co.Dublin but am open to the west too. Would love to buy a small house but don't see that happening as I am self-employed so hard to get a mortgage. Have loads of ideas apart from giving singing lessons concerts etc. maybe working somewhere in a crystal stone/ essential oil shop or opening my own! Working with Germans am fluent speaking but not so good with writing (grammar!). Taking Germans round Ireland as a guide. Open to all ideas love change and always have lots of energy for new things good communication skills. More info Any ideas out there?

I joined on 03 January 2013.

  • I can speak English, German
  • Interests traveling, music, walking, arts, nutrition, aromarapy, crystal stones
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Expat experience

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