Returning home to Ireland

I have been living here in Germany for 22 years have tax health insurance etc here give singing lessons pop/rock and am a musician sing play guitar. Really miss family, sea and Irish people. So want to move home even if its financially not so advisable. Anyone out there done this or doing this would love to hear from you. There is so much to check out! I am renting here so that's not a problem and can live with my sister and mother in Co. Dublin to begin with.

Hi and welcome to  Lolo7 !

Your post has been moved to the Dublin forum for better visibility.

Good luck and Happy New Year 2013.

Thank you and happy new year tooM

Hi Lolo7,

I don't want to discourage you from going home, I know what that feels like... but people are leaving Ireland for a reason at the moment... as I am in a few months!
If you are not in a line of work where income is guaranteed and employment is still easy enough to come by, which it doesn't sound like you are, I would say stick to where you are for a few more years, maybe... People are definitely cutting down on the superfluous at the moment, and me think that singing lessons are probably one of those things!
To give you an example, I live currently in affluent South Dublin and used to go to yoga every week - my yoga teacher was very experienced and before the recession hit, she litteraly had waiting lists of people trying to get into her classes... Now she has had to cut down the number of classes she does every week and she can barely fill the few classes she still does. And this is only a 15EUR/week class.

So I would advise that you get in touch with organisations or other people in your line of work to see what the situation is like for them at the moment, before giving up on a good thing you seem to have going in Germany...

Good luck, whichever decision you take in the end!