February 2011 No longer an expat in China, now living in Las Vegas, NV, USA, while my husband stays in Shanghai. He'll soon take a job in Mauritius and we are debating whether the boy and I will join him or continue to live so far apart. So Mauritius may be the next adventure, and we'll know soon. January 2010 Just moved to Shanghai with my husband and son. Husband is the $$ guy, I'm the trailing spouse, son is 13 and a video game lover. We homeschool, so are available all day to do fun stuff if only there was someone who wanted to do it WITH us! I grew up in Missouri, lived 2 years in Arizona, then last year we moved to Saipan (nobody knows where that is!). Shanghai is our latest adventure, and we're still acclimating. We're especially interested in meeting other homeschoolers to do things with, so feel free to contact me!
I joined expat.com on 11 February 2010.