2 posts
About me
Registration: 23 August 2006
expat jobs by Julien
According to you, what is the best expat job? (for example I've got the chance to work in IT, and IT guys are needed almost everywhere ;) )
My husband is looking for IT work in Europe. He is American and has a previous Army career. He has a couple of years experience in computers, with Raytheon in production and with an insurance company as a help desk technician. He also just got his ... Read More
The american dream ... by Julien
What do you think about the American dream? Is it a dream only or can it become reality? Does America give you the chance you'll never get anywhere else? I am young french guy who feels European and who might move to the US in a couple of ...
Hi Julien, I very much believe that the US is a land of opportunity. You need to be willing to work very hard and have an open mind. If you are thinking of only one type of work, for example, but you cannot find a job doing that in the US, you will ... Read More