Forum posts
About me
Registration: 17 September 2006
Hello/Hola/Salut Expats! by Dagoril
Hello all, I'm an American currently living in Southern California, US, who has been increasingly feeling the pull of the travel bug hehe. I've lived on both US coasts, and on the US Gulf Coast, but lately have been dreaming of seeing Europe. ...
Thanks for the welcome! I want to visit France, Spain, Italy, Germany and the Netherlands in particular. For living I'm a little concerned about the language thing. I've got a functional knowledge of Spanish and French...I can generally understand ... Read More
Hello/Hola/Salut Expats!
Hello all, I'm an American currently living in Southern California, US, who has been increasingly feeling the pull of the travel bug hehe. I've lived on both US coasts, and on the US Gulf Coast, but lately have been dreaming of seeing Europe. ... Read More