Nanakiki EE UU


Ciudadana estadounidense a quien gustaría vivir en Belice
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Currently live in Texas. My husband and I are looking at possible retirement spots at home and abroad. Don't want to stray too far from grandkids, so if abroad, Belize seems like a good fit. We have vacationed in Belize several times on San Pedro Island and always enjoy it. The coral reef is exquisite for snorkeling and I don't think I would ever tire of it. My husband enjoys fishing and this also makes a good fit. We are planning a tour (next week) of Sanctuary Belize and looking forward to a good time. We are open minded about the possibilities, but by no means have we made a decision. It is a wait and see type prospect for us. Wanting to know what more recently taken tours are like, and how progress is moving along with the development.

Miembro desde el 17 Octubre 2013.

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  • Nanakiki
    se ha sumado a la comunidad Belice

Experiencia de expatriado

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