zhxuc41 China


Ciudadano chino
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zhongfeichina manpower centre ,we also have company branch in philippine ,poea unmber is 125-lb-070611-r.our business is introduce filipino maids to work in chinese rich families .filipino private tutor teaching english , so we invite the many filipino worker already in china , you can chat with us, we granted to find well pay salary for you in china .our headquarter based in chongqing . my name is joe , general manager of the firm . i am chinese .but lived in australia and philippine for long time . our company website is www.zhongfeichina.com our company photo album is http://user.qzone.qq.com/149769277/infocenter#!app=4&via=QZ.HashRefresh my skype is zhxuc41

Miembro desde el 11 Noviembre 2013.

  • Hablo english, mandarin ,
Registro de actividad
  • zhxuc41
    se ha sumado a la comunidad Chóngqing

Experiencia de expatriado

Desde Enero 2009
Chóngqing, China
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i currently run a manpower agency in chongqing