JosepM France


Français qui aimerait vivre en République Tchèque
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9 posts sur le forum
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Hello Everyone, I love ireland i have found many things that i enjoy here. I like outdoors, i'm able to cycle to work which is very important according to me. I love the interior of the traditional public houses (Pub) and the warm and open irish mind.People very friendly, i very talktative person. My plans for the future: Know the country better and do more travelling around the one. Help: please contact me because i need anyhelp to find accomodation as quick as possible. Kinds regards.

Je suis un homme.

Je suis célibataire.

Je suis membre depuis le 17 Janvier 2014.

  • Dans la vie, j'aime sports, reading, walking and evening out.
Activité récente

Mon parcours

J'aimerais y vivre
République Tchèque
Prague, Prague ville-capitale, République Tchèque
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Choisir un quartier non touristique pour être au contact des praguois.

Le froid mais bien couvert tout est possible.

Depuis Janvier 2017
Porto, Porto, Portugal
Depuis Janvier 2014
Dublin, Irlande
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I need a single room with en suite bathroom and the room should be as quiet as possible. Please let me know whether you have a room available and also if your house can provide Internet access to guests. At the moment, I am staying in a youth hostel. Please urgently.

The weather.

Janv 2012 - Déc 2013
Provence, France