Visas To Enter Vietnam

        Beware of Vietjet air . whatever they tell you they WILL require proof of onward ticket or they wont let you check in.        -@Klmeermpt666Having just entered Vietnam on the 28 Feb. 2024 with VietJet Air I had absolutely no challenges requiring proof of an onward flight. I handed the check in my passport along with a 90-day visa which is standard procedure when entering any country. No visa - no entry.        -@Safepeter

I was going to post similar Peter, but being a goodolboy decided just to ignore it. I have used Vietjet from Singapore to Tan Son Nhat & from Chaing Mai to Tan Son Nhat & never been asked or required to have proof of onward travel. Just shows what I have always careful about posts on a forum & especially statements in bold print, they are not always accurate!!!!! or in everyone's experience.


It's annoying that those with unidentifiable usernames tend to slam service in Vietnam. I'm the same and enjoy traveling with Vietjet Air and have done so many times.

Talking with someone the other day who flew return to Australia with Vietjet and he said it was one of the most comfortable flights he had been on. This from a very seasoned traveler says a lot.

I can assure everyone that on several occasions Vietjetair have NOT let me check in for  a flight to Saigon becoause I did not have  an onward ticket. Several people on this forum have stated that they did not have  a problem and I dont dispute that just saying that I DID !

    I can assure everyone that on several occasions Vietjetair have NOT let me check in for  a flight to Saigon becoause I did not have  an onward ticket. Several people on this forum have stated that they did not have  a problem and I dont dispute that just saying that I DID !


No thats not what you said. You did not say this was only your experience, this is what you said

...............Beware of Vietjet air . whatever they tell you they WILL require proof of onward ticket or they wont let you check in.

            Beware of Vietjet air . whatever they tell you they WILL require proof of onward ticket or they wont let you check in.        -@Klmeermpt666Having just entered Vietnam on the 28 Feb. 2024 with VietJet Air I had absolutely no challenges requiring proof of an onward flight. I handed the check in my passport along with a 90-day visa which is standard procedure when entering any country. No visa - no entry.        -@Safepeter

I was going to post similar Peter, but being a goodolboy decided just to ignore it. I have used Vietjet from Singapore to Tan Son Nhat & from Chaing Mai to Tan Son Nhat & never been asked or required to have proof of onward travel. Just shows what I have always careful about posts on a forum & especially statements in bold print, they are not always accurate!!!!! or in everyone's experience.


In a Đà Nẵng FB group I moderate, we've had a number of reports of difficulties in this regard with VietJet Air and at least 1 of the Thai carriers.

I think there are more reports in the ExpatDOTcom Thailand forum.

I'm notorious for wanting to know "the rest of the story", and this is what I've uncovered in multiple cases.

People who are experiencing these problems are quite often attempting to patch together multiple flights on separate tickets/itineraries.

One person noted how he'd flown into Thailand and had bought a ticket to fly out of a different Bangkok airport to Cambodia, with plans to continue to Việt Nam on a third individual ticket.


I used Thai Airways recently to get back into Vietnam and they required proof of onward travels for my 90 day tourist visa. Luckily I had a ticket out of Vietnam within the correct time frame.

I have to do another visa run to get a business visa next week and I'm wondering if Vietjet or Thai Airways will require proof again.

Relative to the topic of this "Sticky Thread", applicants for a Vietnam eVisa are not required to provide, nor will the successful applicant be required to show to VN customs and immigration upon arrival, any "proof of onward travel".

This requirement to produce "proof of onward travel" is the policy of some individual airlines. It is not a requirement of VN immigration.

There have been reports from members of being offered by airlines the option of signing a waiver, releasing the airline from the liability of returning the traveller to their departure point in the event VN immigration refuse entry.

    Relative to the topic of this "Sticky Thread", applicants for a Vietnam eVisa are not required to provide, nor will the successful applicant be required to show to VN customs and immigration upon arrival, any "proof of onward travel".
This requirement to produce "proof of onward travel" is the policy of some individual airlines. It is not a requirement of VN immigration.

There have been reports from members of being offered by airlines the option of signing a waiver, releasing the airline from the liability of returning the traveller to their departure point in the event VN immigration refuse entry.

    -@Aidan in HCMC

Well as usual in all things Vietnam, that being one persons experience is not necessarily another's & its like throwing the dice. What I have taken from all this is........cover your ass Goodolboy & get some kind of proof of onward travel when I return from my next Visa run & it could save yourself some possible grief.

From my previous experience & post on the subject November 2023................................just arrived back this morning CDG to SGN & entered on the 45 days visa exempt for UK citizens & have an update.

As per my previous post where I had an e mail from Vietnam airlines that I would be required to show proof of onward travel within the 45 days.

So I arrived at the check in at CDG yesterday armed with this proof of onward travel etc & you know what??? no one asked for it or even to show an e visa. Don't know if because I was traveling business class had something to do with it as I had to check in at a different gate from economy travelers or the check in girl was not on the ball but thats what happened.

@Aidan in HCMC

ICAO is the authority on air travel and this is what is posted on their website.


Visa exempt visitors not holding return/onward tickets could be refused entry.

Visitors with an e-visa or visa on arrival letter and not holding return/onward tickets could be refused entry.

This is a change from last year. As things get stricter in VN its probably a good idea to have follow on ticket available to show.

Comprehensive post from member OceanBeach92107

"Last-Minute" Visa Border Run Possibilities(Link)

Hi! I applied for a visa (UK Passport) for 21 days this May - it's been approved. It turns out we likely can't go anymore so want to come to Vietnam in September now instead. It is ok to apply for a new visa for then? Will it get approved? Of course happy to pay for a new one, I'm not looking for a refund or anything.

Yes, and i know of no reason why it shouldn't be approved  give yourself enough lead time in case it gets returned because of incorrect/insufficient information.  you may also want to show the length of your trip as starting the day of your planned arrival and ending on the last day of your visa period (30, 90,  etc) and strongly consider the ”multiple entry” visa .


Hello michelereneestocks. Welcome to the VN forum.

    Hi! I applied for a visa (UK Passport) for 21 days this May - it's been approved. It turns out we likely can't go anymore so want to come to Vietnam in September now instead. It is ok to apply for a new visa for then?

You most certainly can apply for your anticipated Sep visit. That said, you mentioned "...likely can't go..." next month (May).

Prior to applying for a new eVisa, be certain that you will not be visiting next month. The eVisa Faq page (no longer viewable) had stated that when submitting a new application due to date changes, "The previous e-Visa application will be cancelled once the new e-Visa is issued."

Will it get approved? Of course happy to pay for a new one, I'm not looking for a refund or anything.         @michelereneestocks

As you've already successfully applied for/received an eVisa to visit, I can see no reason why it would not be approved.

Unfortunately, you will indeed have to pay for the new eVisa. A refund is not possible. From the (no longer viewable) Faq page, "If my e-Visa is refused or unused, will my payment be refunded? No. Payments for e-Visa applicationsare non-refundable."

Once you've confirmed that your May visit will be postponed until September, go ahead and submit your new application. We always suggest to members that when applying for their eVisa, that they apply for the full 90 days permitted. The cost is the same whether applying for a 2 day eVisa, up to a 90 day eVisa ($25USD single entry, $50USD multiple entry).

For example, if your intended/anticipated date of arrival will be Sep15th/2024, and if your intended length of stay will again be for 21 days, you might consider indicating on your application an dates of ~Sep1st 2024, to Nov29th 2024. Again, from the Faq page, "Do I need to enter Vietnam on the exact date specified in my e-Visa application? The validity period of your e-Visa begins from the date specified in your approved e-Visa document. You can enter Vietnam on any date within this validity period."

You must, however, leave Vietnam on or before the final validity date of the eVisa. There is no restriction on leaving Vietnam prior to the end date of the eVisa.

I hope this answers your questions. Feel free to ask any additional questions you may have, open a new topic of your own for discussion, or jump in and contribute to any of our ongoing threads, here.

Once more, welcome to the forum. Good to have you with us.

    Hi! I applied for a visa (UK Passport) for 21 days this May - it's been approved. It turns out we likely can't go anymore so want to come to Vietnam in September now instead. It is ok to apply for a new visa for then? Will it get approved? Of course happy to pay for a new one, I'm not looking for a refund or anything.


can I just ask something......why as a UK passport holder & visiting for 21 days you are even bothering to apply for a visa to come to Vietnam when you are entitled to get the 45 days visa waver.


LOL!! I totally missed that, goodolboy!

Good catch :D

(hey! aren't you supposed to be motoring westward right about now?)1f642.svg

@Aidan in HCMC

At Moc Bai right now, took 2.5 hrs including 1 stop. Moc Bai is busy

    @Aidan in HCMC
At Moc Bai right now, took 2.5 hrs including 1 stop. Moc Bai is busy


☕ 💰 ☕💰


Oh, I didn't know this was available? On Vietnam's visa website it just says that UK passport holders have only up to 15 days automatically. We have up to 45 then? Do I have to apply for that somewhere? Thanks for bringing this to my attention!

Oh, I didn't know this was available? On Vietnam's visa website it just says that UK passport holders have only up to 15 days automatically. We have up to 45 then? Do I have to apply for that somewhere? Thanks for bringing this to my attention!


You dont need to do nothing, just arrive, go to any of the immigration desks, show your UK passport & Bobs yer Uncle your in. I have done it twice on the 45 days exemption for UK citizens. Once at TSN & once at Moc Bai.

There is one thing though & this has not been my experience. Some people have said that they were asked for proof on onward travel within the 45 days. I personally have never been asked for this.

The 45 days for visa exempt countries has been in place for months if not a year now. Google it & rest easy.

    @Aidan in HCMC
At Moc Bai right now, took 2.5 hrs including 1 stop. Moc Bai is busy


A complete summary of my DIY visa run to Moc Bai today on my motorbike. (first time in many years without the help of my long time visa agent)

Left my apartment at Tan Phu at 07.30am.

Stopped just before Trang Bang for a short break (pho & a coke)

Got to Moc Bai at just before 10am & parked the bike at one of the coffee shops just before immigration (owner said it was no problem & she would keep an eye on it till I got back)

Short walk to immigration, was a bit of a queue as some busses had just arrived too & handed over passport with copy of expiring e visa after a wait of about 20 minutes.

Short walk to Cambodia immigration & here things slightly changed from doing it with agent as I had to fill in a yellow arrivals card (never ever had to do this using my agent) Next desk handed over my passport & Cambodia e visa & was into Cambodia in 10 minutes minus my e visa but with yellow card & really easy & as usual the Cambodia immigration people are so friendly & helpful.

Quick turnaround & off to the Cambodia exit desk. Handed over my passport complete with stamped yellow card & Immigration guy asked for my e visa. Ah I said the incoming guy would not give me it back & said he had to keep it. Thats right says the exit Cambodia guy you need to have 2 copies & lucky I did! Next the other thing I had never had to do with my agent handling everything & that was right & left hand fingerprints taken. After that it was all done & dusted & at most 10 minutes later I was making the walk back to Vietnam entry immigration.

How lucky I was there cos the place was empty so straight to the desk with my new Vietnam 90 days e visa in hand (obtained even though I was in country by the agent OB recommended)  I was all of 5 minutes there & making the walk back to pick up my bike.

Had a nice cold drink of coconut water at the coffee shop & off I went all took less than an hour.

Going back I took some de tours to see how my old house & love hotel were doing. Had some lunch & was back in my flat by 2.30pm ready for a nice cold shower.

In summery, all in all it was quite a pleasant not stressful experience. No one hassled me for money at Moc Bai which was a bit of a surprise but suppose took one look at me & thought that old guy looks pretty dirty & poor so no point wasting time on him!

        @goodolboyOh, I didn't know this was available? On Vietnam's visa website it just says that UK passport holders have only up to 15 days automatically. We have up to 45 then? Do I have to apply for that somewhere? Thanks for bringing this to my attention!        -@michelereneestocks
You dont need to do nothing, just arrive, go to any of the immigration desks, show your UK passport & Bobs yer Uncle your in. I have done it twice on the 45 days exemption for UK citizens. Once at TSN & once at Moc Bai.There is one thing though & this has not been my experience. Some people have said that they were asked for proof on onward travel within the 45 days. I personally have never been asked for this.The 45 days for visa exempt countries has been in place for months if not a year now. Google it & rest easy.        -@goodolboy

Good write-up, goodolboy. That 45 day visa free allowance is a real privilege. Passport with 2 blank pages and at least 6 months remaining validity, and you're in!

I'll just add that the only entity which might ask a traveller from a visa exempt country for proof of onward travel will be an airline. VN immigration does not require onward travel (nor does ICAO).

Sorry about my not noting your nationality, michelereneestocks.

Perhaps at some future date a 90 day visit to Vietnam will be in the works for you and the information just might come in handy.1f642.svg

Here is an infographic showing visa exempt countries and their allowed length of stay, as of Aug15th/2023


click here to enlarge

    Be aware that there will be a long holiday "weekend" at the end of April this year, and it may impact the speed of visa processing at the Immigration department:
The Hung King's death anniversary (Hung King Temple festival) begins on April 27th (lunar calendar 8th day, 3rd month) and runs through April 30th, with the main festival holiday falling on Saturday, April 29th.

Vietnam Reunification Day is Sunday, April 30th and International Labor Day is Monday, May 1st.

Immigration is normally closed on Saturdays and Sundays, and it's anticipated that some employees may be allowed to begin holiday travel on that Friday.

According to Vietnam Airlines (app notification) and the Google Calendar app, the official trifecta holiday period will begin on Saturday, April 29th and include holidays on Monday, May 1st (International Labor Day), Tuesday, May 2nd (day off for Hung King's festival) and Wednesday, May 3rd (day off for Reunification Day).

As always I'm happy to be corrected with some official data about this.

In any case, it would probably be prudent to not expect much Visa processing in the immigration department from Friday the 28th of April through Wednesday, May 3rd  (resuming again on May 4th).


This is basically true again this year; this coming weekend runs from Saturday the 27th of April THROUGH Wednesday the 1st of May.

So immigration will close at the end of the business day this coming Friday and WILL NOT process visa applications until THURSDAY morning, May 2nd.

It will be a tight squeeze, but if you complete your online evisa application before Immigration opens tomorrow, Monday April 22nd, then it's a good bet that your visa will be processed and approved before close of business on Friday the 26th of May.

Otherwise, if you apply for a visa this week, it's possible you MIGHT not see an approval until May 2nd or later.

In fact, If you wait until this Friday to apply, you almost certainly won't receive an approval until at least Monday, May 6th.

So if you are applying this week and you need an urgent or emergency visa you really need to consider contacting a trustworthy agent to get the job done for you.

Hello everybody :-)

What a mess in China for get any information about anything... 

I asked a new visa on Monday, and it worked well :-)  (not like the last time when I couldn't open the website)

But as I haven't yet got the answer and the link, I realise (never too late) that I asked just before the 1st May :-(

Then my ask : in Vietnam how many days for 1st may, in China they have 5days...


I should read (above) before posting 1f923.svg  at least the website seems to work fine on Labour day... 1f609.svg


As stated in post #342 from member OceanBeach92107, above.

Good chance you'll receive your eVisa by Tuesday the 7th.


As stated in post #342 from member OceanBeach92107, above.
Good chance you'll receive your eVisa by Tuesday the 7th.

    -@Aidan in HCMC

🤞 🤞


I have to wait more, i asked on the date of the last day of my previous visa : 29. Because I left Vietnam before that date, on 28th.

To everyone : fill the online form AFTER this date, it looks like the update of my situation wasn't done automatically  :-(

I got an email explaining that (Application status: Amending

Denied Reason: Evisa is issued for foreingers who are currently abroad, wishing to enter into Viet Nam (not foreingers who are currently temporary resident in Viet Nam)).

I just had to edit the form on the given link, and I wait for a new email :-) hoping it will not take 5 days more...

It took 5 days more   :-(  It looks like someone at immigration was thinking that I asked my visa from Vietnam !

I got a new message ( Application status: Amending

Denied Reason: as you are currently in vietnam, you are advised to contact the agency, organization or individual in viet nam to cary out the guaranteed procedure for issuing visa ).

That is quite worrying, and understandable ! since i sent the stamp of the Chinese border, with the date 28th, and my passport number on the page...

I finally asked an agency to ask for me, in urgency, and it worked !  They also asked me the exit stamp of Vietnam border. THis costed me 115$ + 25€ already payed, and 5 nights (50$) more in China :-(

Next time i think i will ask them to manage this following visa 50$ (25$ fee included).



Thank you for the report, sergefaure.

And very good you'd found an efficient, not too costly agent to handle your next run.

I'm a little surprised at immigrations response to you though, where they said " are advised to contact the agency, organization or individual in viet nam to cary out the guaranteed procedure for issuing visa." It sounds as though they are referring to a sponsor/employer.

Forgive me for asking, as you're no doubt familiar with the eVisa application, but might you have completed the application mistakenly completing the "Name of hosting organisation, Addressetc" instead of the "Intended temporary residential address in Viet Nam"? Or perhaps mistakenly completed both fields?

@Aidan in HCMC

Is there a way to get the filled form ? I would verify then how I filled it :-)

Usually, I do not write any address more detailed than "Lang Son"

If they could answer to the email that I sent to " ", I would ask a meeting in Hanoi...

Thanking you

    @Aidan in HCMCIs there a way to get the filled form ? I would verify then how I filled it :-)Usually, I do not write any address more detailed than "Lang Son"If they could answer to the email that I sent to " ", I would ask a meeting in Hanoi...Thanking you        -@sergefaure

Are you still able to access the completed application through the link "to amend" which immigration emailed to you? Might try that to see if you can view the completed application.

The "Name of hosting org., address, tel#, purpose" must be left blank when applying for a tourist visa.

Writing only "Lang Son" in the section just below that in the "Intended temp. address in VN" would not usually be accepted by immigration. Something to remember if you decide to apply for the next eVisa on your own. There's a lengthy thread on completing this part of the application, here.


(enlarge, here)

Unfortunately, nobody has ever reported receiving a response to an email sent to VN immigration.

How lucky I was there cos the place was empty so straight to the desk with my new Vietnam 90 days e visa in hand (obtained even though I was in country by the agent OB recommended)  I was all of 5 minutes there & making the walk back to pick up my bike.
Had a nice cold drink of coconut water at the coffee shop & off I went all took less than an hour.


I heard that it is no longer acceptable to apply for the next VN evisa while a visitor is in the country on an existing visa, and also heard that hiring an agent would help to overcome the issue. Can someone confirm this? or pointing me to information on how it is done.


            @...........................How lucky I was there cos the place was empty so straight to the desk with my new Vietnam 90 days e visa in hand (obtained even though I was in country by the agent OB recommended)  I was all of 5 minutes there & making the walk back to pick up my bike.Had a nice cold drink of coconut water at the coffee shop & off I went all took less than an hour.........................................        -@goodolboy

I heard that it is no longer acceptable to apply for the next VN evisa while a visitor is in the country on an existing visa, and also heard that hiring an agent would help to overcome the issue. Can someone confirm this? or pointing me to information on how it is done.


The information is in the post you quoted

                @...........................How lucky I was there cos the place was empty so straight to the desk with my new Vietnam 90 days e visa in hand (obtained even though I was in country by the agent OB recommended)  I was all of 5 minutes there & making the walk back to pick up my bike.Had a nice cold drink of coconut water at the coffee shop & off I went all took less than an hour.........................................        -@goodolboyI heard that it is no longer acceptable to apply for the next VN evisa while a visitor is in the country on an existing visa, and also heard that hiring an agent would help to overcome the issue. Can someone confirm this? or pointing me to information on how it is done.Thanks        -@giosamsung2012

The information is in the post you quoted


Thanks for the quick response. So I will need an agent for that.

I read a previous page of this thread, someone used VPN to apply for visa while still in the country, Any advice on trying out VPN before approaching an agent?

                    @...........................How lucky I was there cos the place was empty so straight to the desk with my new Vietnam 90 days e visa in hand (obtained even though I was in country by the agent OB recommended)  I was all of 5 minutes there & making the walk back to pick up my bike.Had a nice cold drink of coconut water at the coffee shop & off I went all took less than an hour.........................................        -@goodolboyI heard that it is no longer acceptable to apply for the next VN evisa while a visitor is in the country on an existing visa, and also heard that hiring an agent would help to overcome the issue. Can someone confirm this? or pointing me to information on how it is done.Thanks        -@giosamsung2012 The information is in the post you quoted         -@OceanBeach92107

Thanks for the quick response. So I will need an agent for that.
I read a previous page of this thread, someone used VPN to apply for visa while still in the country, Any advice on trying out VPN before approaching an agent?


Try it. Maybe it will work. Maybe it won't.

Use the right agent and it will definitely work.

Most important (when using an agent) is to apply as early as possible after entering Vietnam, even as early as 3 months ahead of time on the day you enter Vietnam.

Unfortunately there are too many truly transient people who won't make up their minds about their travel plans until a week or less before it's time to exit the country.

The closer you are to your exit date the more difficult it is for the agent to help you.

Good luck!

..How lucky I was there cos the place was empty so straight to the desk with my new Vietnam 90 days e visa in hand (obtained even though I was in country by the agent OB recommended)  I was all of 5 minutes there & making the walk back to pick up my bike.Had a nice cold drink of coconut water at the coffee shop & off I went all took less than an hour.........................................        -@goodolboy
I heard that it is no longer acceptable to apply for the next VN evisa while a visitor is in the country on an existing visa, and also heard that hiring an agent would help to overcome the issue. Can someone confirm this? or pointing me to information on how it is done.Thanks        -@giosamsung2012
The information is in the post you quoted         -@OceanBeach92107
Thanks for the quick response. So I will need an agent for that.I read a previous page of this thread, someone used VPN to apply for visa while still in the country, Any advice on trying out VPN before approaching an agent?       -@giosamsung2012

Please provide a link to the post where you had read that.

I'm not sure how someone might think that using a VPN would be a workaround to either

a) using/paying an agent to submit the application while the applicant is still in country, or b) exiting VN and applying/waiting out of country for approval.

I had written, back in January, the following...

"I would caution anybody against trying to game the system. It matters not how one completes the online application (i.e. truthfully or otherwise). The fact remains that the VN immigration officer reviewing the application will be acutely aware of whether the applicant is applying from within VN (or not) by virtue of the fact that the applicant's passport has/hasn't been scanned as exiting at a border crossing.

In light of this, any shenanigans performed in the completion of an application would not only prove fruitless, but could potentially result in undesirable consequences (eg. denied future entry)."

Try it. Maybe it will work. Maybe it won't.

Use the right agent and it will definitely work.

Most important (when using an agent) is to apply as early as possible after entering Vietnam, even as early as 3 months ahead of time on the day you enter Vietnam.

Unfortunately there are too many truly transient people who won't make up their minds about their travel plans until a week or less before it's time to exit the country.

The closer you are to your exit date the more difficult it is for the agent to help you.

Good luck!


I am in the group undecided whether I would stay longer than 3 months. I would not know until next Jan and probably will need to PM you then. Thanks for the reminder.

Reading a few more pages, it appears there was only one application being denied whlie applying from inside VN (given if that it was the real reason for denial). Hope things get clearer in the coming months.

    ..How lucky I was there cos the place was empty so straight to the desk with my new Vietnam 90 days e visa in hand (obtained even though I was in country by the agent OB recommended)  I was all of 5 minutes there & making the walk back to pick up my bike.Had a nice cold drink of coconut water at the coffee shop & off I went all took less than an hour.........................................        -@goodolboy
I heard that it is no longer acceptable to apply for the next VN evisa while a visitor is in the country on an existing visa, and also heard that hiring an agent would help to overcome the issue. Can someone confirm this? or pointing me to information on how it is done.Thanks        -@giosamsung2012
The information is in the post you quoted         -@OceanBeach92107
Thanks for the quick response. So I will need an agent for that.I read a previous page of this thread, someone used VPN to apply for visa while still in the country, Any advice on trying out VPN before approaching an agent?       -@giosamsung2012

Please provide a link to the post where you had read that.
I'm not sure how someone might think that using a VPN would be a workaround to either
a) using/paying an agent to submit the application while the applicant is still in country, or b) exiting VN and applying/waiting out of country for approval.

I had written, back in January, the following...

"I would caution anybody against trying to game the system. It matters not how one completes the online application (i.e. truthfully or otherwise). The fact remains that the VN immigration officer reviewing the application will be acutely aware of whether the applicant is applying from within VN (or not) by virtue of the fact that the applicant's passport has/hasn't been scanned as exiting at a border crossing.
In light of this, any shenanigans performed in the completion of an application would not only prove fruitless, but could potentially result in undesirable consequences (eg. denied future entry)."

    -@Aidan in HCMC

I misunderstood the story around the VPN, my bad. You are 100% correct about the consequence(s) of gaming the system.