
Rent a flat or a house in Toulouse


Finding a place to live is a priority when settling in Toulouse. Your experience will be of a great help for the members who want to settle in Toulouse.

Therefore, we have prepared some questions for you:

Is it hard to find a flat or a house for rent in Toulouse?

How to find a home in Toulouse: classifieds, real estate portals, real estate agencies?

How much is the rental for a house, an apartment?

What are the formalities or the required documents for renting an accommodation?

Which advice would you give?

Thanks in advance for participating!

See also

Real estate listingsAccommodation in ToulouseAccommodation in FrancePublic bilingual elementary school in ToulouseUrgent! Looking for a flat in Toulouse

It took just 4 days to find an apartment. After visiting just three of them, I could finalize on one. The best site is but I also looked over the accommodation section of various schools in Toulouse. Although these are supposed to be exclusively for students, some are flexible enough to rent it to you if they find that you have a secure job out here (CDI).
Also, for a place like toulouse 400-650 should be a good budget to find a decent studio of 20+ m² in the city center. I would presonally prefer areas close to M° Jean Juares, Capitole, Esquirole and Compans and my second preference would be st cyprien,  jean d'arc and carmes.


thanks for your encouraging post :)


Thanks for your post. Any more info is appreciated :)


Thank you for the information, I have been having a lot of trouble finding accommodation and it is very expensive!! Would love any other information :)


I might sublease my apartment in the Mid of September in case I move out. So feel free to contact me after that in case you are interested in renting my apartment near M° Compans


Hello everybody, I am looking for a room in a flat or house share in the center of Toulouse. I already checkt, but there wasn't the right room. If somebody knows anything, just send me a message...
Many thanks


Hello Regina, have you tried to post an advert in Toulouse classifieds > accommodation section? This may help you.



thanks for the information Harmnie :-) I will do it


Hi there can anybody give any advice on where to find a nice apartment/house/villa in Toulouse near Airbus would be good but don't mind if its a 30-40 minute drive if its nice with a pool :)


Hi jamiefowler,

I would suggest you to post an advert in the Toulouse housing section.



Hi to you all, I am searching to rent an apartment or a house for the month of September in Toulouse. I am currently living in Vienna. I am looking for a T3 or T4 either in the center or in the surroundings. I am in Toulouse until tomorrow the 6th of July and then will come back on the 13th till the 22nd. I hope to have found a place by then. Thank you in advance Charlotte


Hello Charlotte,

Please feel free to post your ad in the housing section here : … /toulouse/

Thank you,

Priscilla  :cheers:

Gail Little

Hi I'm am currently loving in The centre of Toulouse but need to move from my appartment! I want somewhere without contract as I plan to live here for another 3-6 months unsure due to work commitments! I'd like a studio or apartment or flat share in the centre! Let me know of yours is available! Gail



I might move to Toulouse as well. I had serious issues in Paris (I had my contract withdrawn because I could not find an apartment, yes they are capable of this).

The major limitation for me was that  for every apartment I was looking for, the landlord was asking me the contact of a French Garantor (someone who step in in case you cannot pay), it was irrelevant my working contract and my previous reference. Apparently in Paris no Garantor no house.

Is it the same in Toulouse?
Can you find an apartment without Garantor? Just with your contract and other references (last landlord, copy of Bank statement...)

Lua C.

Hello Gail, I have a room to rent in my flat 350 euros ( fully furnished, All bills included.) Let me know if you would like to visit. The time you want to stay can be really flexible.
Have a Nice day



We are looking for a house/flat (around 100m2) in Toulouse to rent from August 2015 in : Busca, Saint-Cyprien, Carmes, Jardin des Plantes.

If you heard about any which would be free around this time, please let me know.

We are moving to Toulouse from Lille and have two small kids. We are a couple : cadre supérieur and fonctionnaire, so no problem with deposits and references.

Thank you,


Hello all

Whether you are seeking or proposing a rental, the best place to review adverts or drop your own, is in the HOUSING section found on the overhead green banner.

Try it if you wish to find what you are looking for :top:

Kenjee Team

Lua C.

Moderated by Priscilla 9 years ago
Reason : Please post in the housing section