Census / népszámlálás

I wouldn't be surprised if they speak English when they knock .

The online forms were available to do in English as well as in Hungarian.

I wouldn't be surprised if they speak English when they knock .
The online forms were available to do in English as well as in Hungarian.
-@Marilyn Tassy

Surprising. I thought it would only be in Hungarian.

Or possibly German and Ukrainian.


They are taking this more seriously then one would believe!

Just 5 mins. ago our buzzer was rung,we didn't answer( learned my lesson ages ago)

It's a holiday weekend but no matter.

One neighbor opened the gate to allow a census worker in. They rang the front door of another neighbor!

No time wasted, the deadline was just a week ago or so.

She entered the flat... wonder what's up with that?

No, the gov. is not keeping tabs on everyone, dream on!

They are taking this more seriously then one would believe!
Just 5 mins. ago our buzzer was rung,we didn't answer( learned my lesson ages ago)
It's a holiday weekend but no matter.
One neighbor opened the gate to allow a census worker in. They rang the front door of another neighbor!
No time wasted, the deadline was just a week ago or so.
She entered the flat... wonder what's up with that?
No, the gov. is not keeping tabs on everyone, dream on!
-@Marilyn Tassy

That's the problem.

Keeping tabs on everyone for Putin's benefit when OV invites him back in because the EU/Soros/Zelensky/NATO/LGBT/<insert your supervillain here> is throughly out to get all Hungarians.

And of course the downfall of the Nazis was keeping meticulous records of their misdeeds. 

And actually Islamic State as well who essentially handed over their membership lists when their admin files were captured.

After I posted we also got a dreaded knock on our door yesterday.

Maybe it was the JW's going door to door?

Who let them in?

No note left on the door or in the post box so forget them.

If they do come back and are from the gov. I'm going to insist they mask up and wear gloves etc.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander!

House rules...

No, I really don't care about masks etc. just would love to mess with them back.

We filed online and filled everything out so it could of been a few religious nuts warning about Halloween .

We changed our sky glass in our front door and it's not easy to spy these days.

After I posted we also got a dreaded knock on our door yesterday.
Maybe it was the JW's going door to door?
Who let them in?
No note left on the door or in the post box so forget them.
If they do come back and are from the gov. I'm going to insist they mask up and wear gloves etc.
What's good for the goose is good for the gander!
House rules...
No, I really don't care about masks etc. just would love to mess with them back.
We filed online and filled everything out so it could of been a few religious nuts warning about Halloween .
We changed our sky glass in our front door and it's not easy to spy these days.
-@Marilyn Tassy

JWs on the doorstep?  Do they still do that? 

I am always surprised the JWs get any interest for their "cult".  In the UK, if a parent opposes medical help for their kids and JW  are the cause, they usually apply to the courts to take away the parental rights temporarily while the medical care takes place.

The doorstepping mormons were commonplace when I was a kid and baiting them was always a bit of fun when I was a teenager.  Looking back on it, it was a childish attitude. I remember seeing them in the street and rushing back home to be ready to argue the toss with them when they rang the bell.   

It would have been more adult, certainly more polite and much less time wasting to just say no thank you and send them on their way.

My mother used to do Bible studies with the JW's. Off and on over the years.

Mostly off.

She never joined or went to their Kingdom Hall but we did have a really sweet lady come to our home once a week for studies.

My father hated it but on the bright side, he had an excuse to run to the bar/pub.

When I was 12-13 I  had a choice of spending my summers between my 2 sisters homes.

One was living in a super cool Hippie area in Santa Barbara, Ca. Goleta, Isle of Vista.

Head shops and HIppies  everywhere you looked.

My sister then however and her husband were the most ,Staight" people in town. He was both studying and teaching at UCSB in chemistery.

He actually wore a short sleeve white starched shirt, crew cut hairdo and even a pocket protector! My sister was working as a secretary and dressed very ladylike with her flip hairdo....

I was slightly embarrassed to be seen with them both but they were nice with me and it was worth it to be able to hang around and walk arund with some many friendly cool people everywhere. In fact my ex-BIL was a runner on the uni track team and I'd often run with him, no one ran anywhere in those days unless it was from the cops!

My other sister should of lived in Goleta, she and her husband were super Hippies used to try t get me high when I wa sonly 12.

Well my conservative sister got into the JW's and was even a member of their church. She would have me bring a nice dress with me fr my stay and have me go dor to dor with her on Sat. mornings.

I will say everyone was very polite with us, no cursing or door slamming. I guess we were just too cute to be rude to?

When she divorced the threw her out, well no one was allowed to talk to her for a year so she quit.

I once stayed for 2weeks with my mother Bible study teacher and her family. I was 11 or 12.

My step-dad had a huge motorbike accident and wasn't doing too great in recover, let's just say he started to like to mix his meds with his beer...

I stayed with that family while he detoxed.

I have to say I was on my best behavior because they had no tv set and prayed all the time . They were very nice to me, the lady even started sewing me dresses, she had 2 boys and I guess she wanted a girl around?

I went home and decided I was too,"worldly" and didn't want to be a JW any longer.

The sad thing is years later I found out this sweet JW lady who was only in her 40's had a bleeding ulcer. Instead of getting needed blood she checked herself into a motel and bleed out alone. Her husband who had been very active in the Kingdom Hall took his boys and left the chruch. Sad really they were such a nice family togehter. From a Greek Orthodox background to start with.

My mother used to do Bible studies with the JW's. Off and on over the years.
Mostly off.
She never joined or went to their Kingdom Hall but we did have a really sweet lady come to our home once a week for studies.
My father hated it but on the bright side, he had an excuse to run to the bar/pub.
The sad thing is years later I found out this sweet JW lady who was only in her 40's had a bleeding ulcer. Instead of getting needed blood she checked herself into a motel and bleed out alone. Her husband who had been very active in the Kingdom Hall took his boys and left the chruch. Sad really they were such a nice family togehter. From a Greek Orthodox background to start with.
-@Marilyn Tassy

That's the thing. If you are in a cult and then decide not to be in it, you lose all your support system.  And possibly even your life. Ulcers are curable these days - antibiotics do wonders - not invasive either.  My grandfather died of a bleeding ulcer. They operated back then and when I saw him in hospital, there was no way he would survive the surgery. I could see he'd had it the moment I saw him.

When I was out in the Pacific, there were Mormons everywhere there. OK, not JWs, but they build this little white kit/clone churches for each community. And of course it's all healthy living while at the church and then they get home and get smashed on some local alcoholic brew. I had some and it's like a kind mash but strong with it. Then they go back to church and everything is forgiven until the next session/confession the following week! Forgiveness on tap! Seen the same in the Middle East. Pop down the mosque, job done!  In Fluffy Towers, everyone is forgiven anyway and without the baggage.

I had a buddy in the mid 80's who was a Mormon lady.

She was really and truly an angel.

She was always in perfect form, had 3 children and always was neat as a button, hair done, makeup , perfect red nails etc.

Her husband enjoyed her looking perfect so she made sure she was.

She taught exercise at an all women's gym, in fact it's all her fault( kidding) that I also became a gym rat for decades.

Her husband was a professional motorcross rider and she and her 3 children did motorbike dirt racing with him in the desert.( God knows how she stayed perfect looking in the dirt but she did)

I was a bit disturbed after her sister died at a young age from heart issues. My sweet friend was not allowed to touch or help wash and dress her sisters body as is the custom in their faith. The female members wash and dress the deceased.

She was deamed not clean enough because she married her husband outside of their church. He later joined the Mormons but it was still out of the question for her to touch her own sisters dead body.

Just very strange to me.

I had a buddy in the mid 80's who was a Mormon lady.
She was really and truly an angel.
She was always in perfect form, had 3 children and always was neat as a button, hair done, makeup , perfect red nails etc.
Her husband enjoyed her looking perfect so she made sure she was.
She taught exercise at an all women's gym, in fact it's all her fault( kidding) that I also became a gym rat for decades.
Her husband was a professional motorcross rider and she and her 3 children did motorbike dirt racing with him in the desert.( God knows how she stayed perfect looking in the dirt but she did)
I was a bit disturbed after her sister died at a young age from heart issues. My sweet friend was not allowed to touch or help wash and dress her sisters body as is the custom in their faith. The female members wash and dress the deceased.
She was deamed not clean enough because she married her husband outside of their church. He later joined the Mormons but it was still out of the question for her to touch her own sisters dead body.
Just very strange to me.
-@Marilyn Tassy

oooo...like the idea of professional moto-cross riding. 

That's something you need to do without excess baggage.

That's the problem with all these religions, they are set up to make you feel guilty, carry a burden and only the church leaders can forgive you.

Yeah, sure, like what gave them the right?


I'm not against the census and I was glad to be able to do it on line.

The census lady came to check it had been done this Sunday and she was glad that I had made a note of the identification number.

Otherwise more work for both of us.

I'm not against the census and I was glad to be able to do it on line.
The census lady came to check it had been done this Sunday and she was glad that I had made a note of the identification number.
Otherwise more work for both of us.

That's weird.

If one has a receipt number generated onlline, they should know it was already submitted. 

Should be no need to send someone out to check.  Sounds like an inefficient deployment of resources.


I think she was assigned to do a door to door in my block

I'm not against the census and I was glad to be able to do it on line.
The census lady came to check it had been done this Sunday and she was glad that I had made a note of the identification number.
Otherwise more work for both of us.

That's weird.

If one has a receipt number generated onlline, they should know it was already submitted.

Should be no need to send someone out to check. Sounds like an inefficient deployment of resources.

All bureaucracies waste tax payers money and time.

Yesterday we went into city hall to register with the online gov. port.

You can see what is on your files, medical records all sorts of info the have on you.

They are suppose to e-mail you so you can do your own private password to get started.

Well they forgot about me.

My husband got in right away but they never mailed any info out for me.

Now have to go in again and ask what's up.

Maybe, I'm better off forgotten?