Rent a flat or a house in Strasbourg

Finding a place to live is a priority when settling in Strasbourg. Your experience will be of a great help for the members who want to settle in Strasbourg.

Therefore, we have prepared some questions for you:

Is it hard to find a flat or a house for rent in Strasbourg?

How to find a home in Strasbourg: classifieds, real estate portals, real estate agencies?

How much is the rental for a house, an apartment?

What are the formalities or the required documents for renting an accommodation?

Which advice would you give?

Thanks in advance for participating!

Hi my wife (who is French) and I are hoping to move to Strasbourg in the summer and are currently looking for accommodation. What would really help us out would be if someone could give us the "low down" on the good and bad areas of the city.