SNS - need to change my address

Hello Everyone. 

I have tried various agencies in order to advise SNS of my new home address.

SEF have my new address, but wasnt helpful about where I can change it within SNS.

Financas has it - I'm paying IMI.

Went to Registo - not them - they told me SEF

Went to the local Saude Centre - they told me to get SEF to write a letter stating my address - do they KNOW how hard that might be?!

Phoned SNS24, got pushed around - the people on the call centre really dont know.

Can anyone tell me how to do this please?  I am not receiving letters about medical appointments - they are going to my old address.

Muito Obrigada

NHS change of address is done at a local health centre.

This is not even allowed to be done online, on the service user portal.

I have tried now and was unable to do so.   If they won't make that change, you should make a written complaint. Ask for the complaints book there. ("Livro de reclamações")

Visit the centro de saúde, then you tell the emloyer that you want to change the address. You do not need to present a proof of address. Just hand them the address written by your hand for simplicity. Also she will update the information of your residence permit info such as expiry date etc.