
Opening a bank account


Hi there,

Anyone has a recent experience opening a bank account in Italy? After my research the only things needed to open one as an EU citizen is a valid passport/ID, proof of residency, codice ficsale and ideally an income. I have all of that apart from a job but this we never managed to get to as one bank did not accept my valid identification documents, the next one was asking for a proof that I live in Italy (proof or residency was not enough) and the third one wanted and Italian ID. So not sure if I misunderstood the requirements or I was just unlucky and chose the most unfortunate banks?

Any advise on this?

Thank you.


See also

Banking in ItalyYoung family moving to Florence-advice pleaseMoving to Florence from the UK with kidsH-Farm schoolRe entry
M Hunt

A friend recently suggested looking at FINECO bank as he has his wages paid in he gets free banking! Its mostly on line but big towns and cities have offices and are keen to get your account.

Many ex-pats use online banks like santandre to get D/D's paid, its horses for courses.

Unfortunatly we're with Unicredit bank and are paying 14.50 a month to have a current account but it would cost us a lot to close the account and move it and as we hope to relocate in the next year it doesn't make sense to do it.




@M Hunt Thank you for this :)


Hi Tanulik, this is one of the most tedious things when moving to Italy, besides of all the documents you listed, most banks will ask you for an Italian ID (Carta d'identità) to open a bank account. So unless you have it passport won't be enough. Normally getting the ID can also take a long time so if this is something urgent, like you need it to get your salary, for example, I will suggest you to go to the Poste and get the classic Postepay Card. Very well known by all of the expax because it is a prepay card with an IBAN number so basically it allows you to do everything you could do with a checking account. I doesn't cost a lot and just Passport and Codice Fiscale will be enough to have it. I believe also opening a Checking account with the Poste is possible without an Italian ID.

Hope this could help!


@luissalazarmarcano The thing is I tried with Poste and they were the ones requiring a confirmation of me living here - Attestato di soggiorno. Then I tried ING and they are requesting carta d'identita - booked an appointment for this now. I guess I was the unlucky one with Poste, will try at another branch. Thank your for all the info :)


The big banks will offer a non resident account.  The post office no longer does, or at least they don't where i live..    You will need a codice fiscale, passport, and Italian phone number and an address of domicile (not residency).  They cost alot - around 80 euros every quarter.