SOCPA Membership not issued

I applied for SOCPA Membership for the first time based on CA Intermediate on which my visa was approved but SOCPA didn't accept it and said that conditions not Fulfilled Please help me on this. I also paid the fees 800SAR

Hello syedmuzair989,

Welcome to Expat.com1f601.svg

While waiting for feedback, I advise you to browse the various threads posted on the Riyadh forum as I am sure this question has been asked and discussed many times.

All the best,

Cheryl team

Thanks Cheryl

Visa and SOCPA are different things.  Don't link one to the other.   You need to fulfill SOCPA requirements separately.

Is B.COM eligible for SOCPA Membership?

Bachelor in accounting is.  For B.Com, they will ask you do courses to make up the credit hours.  Will probably cost around 10-15K SAR.


Sorry SOCPA conditions CA completed or Graduation with 15 hours of accounting subjects.



Hi there is one solution my friend found, Contant ICPAP , they issue advance diploma on CA inter in accounting which is recognized by SOCPA , it will cost you around 150000 PKR with MOFA and saudi culture attestation but you will get SOCPA