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parking and blocked the street

i mean what happened in that day people didn`t realize that street is for walking or moving cars they totally blocked it and parked in it

[Moderated: No rude language]

hey, watch your language please! I'm sure all the people who died for the cause of your freedom & human rights would be more than happy to hear your words Would you prefer to join the riots in London right now??!
eltviola wrote:hey, watch your language please! I'm sure all the people who died for the cause of your freedom & human rights would be more than happy to hear your words
Would you prefer to join the riots in London right now??!
Well said eltviola))))))
As atleast while people were protesting here we MEN and I say MEN were watching and protecting our streets and assets 24/7 so we are better than others:)
And am shocked from what Mostafa is saying!!
Actually I wanna ask him is he Egyptian man!
Even if some negative issue's started to appear after revolution,but there is no need to say like that and a true egyptian will never leave his country for such a reason!
Only if he need to secure his future moneywise he can search and hunt a better job aboard!
Mostafa samy wrote:fuck this stupid revolution i really hate this shit so much i hope i could leave egypt beacause of this revolution
Well I didn't mean bad about revolution as already first days I was sleeping for some days in Tahrir square even my face was in blood and till now my leg plus my hand are injured!
So no need to hate it as already positive things are happening plus some negative issue's which is normal nowadays!
And no offend dude but u r most welcomed to leave Egypt any time
Mohamed (proud to be Egyptian)
eltviola wrote:hey, watch your language please! I'm sure all the people who died for the cause of your freedom & human rights would be more than happy to hear your words
Would you prefer to join the riots in London right now??!
Sorry I forgot to wish you a safe trip in England and I hope all will finish in peace and that you come soon

Look i was in tahrir for 12 days so i`m totally egyptian but what we take from this revolution up till now ????? huh ?? tell me ??? you will find nothing we just trial Mubarak and his stuff :S that`s it and see what we gain from it ... no police no safety dirty street all the time people block the roads people moves reverse on the high way wtf
no manners at all every day fights fights fights no work no job no economy stupid shits in everyplace even TV there isn`t any empty bed in kasr el ainy hospital my friend works there he told me that everyday there is about 2000 patient die .. who cares ??? look at people faces in street :S :S :S :S
now it`s a fashion anyone have a problem make a sit in tahrir
you know i`m communication engineer i can doubt that 20 % of my staff know how to work on oscilloscope this revolution makes people so lazy it`s like for example when a kid afraid from his dad when his dad gone he makes anything even it right or wrong
oooooh the kids now see what they do :S nothing but they have porn movies on there mobiles and send it to them
ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh what happened to teens and youth takes drugs all the time they don`t do anything except they rolling cigarette of hay please don`t talk in this :S :S we can talk till tommorrow in that [Moderated: please manage your language]

eltviola wrote:hey, watch your language please! I'm sure all the people who died for the cause of your freedom & human rights would be more than happy to hear your words
Would you prefer to join the riots in London right now??!
look you are a foreign British person even if you live in Egypt you still don`t know anything about the poor people you just say or speak like the stupid press

hey people we are just discussing
Difference of opinion ... do not spoil a warm
thanks all
Mostafa samy wrote:eltviola wrote:hey, watch your language please! I'm sure all the people who died for the cause of your freedom & human rights would be more than happy to hear your words
Would you prefer to join the riots in London right now??!
look you are a foreign British person even if you live in Egypt you still don`t know anything about the poor people you just say or speak like the stupid press
WHAT ashame!!!!and Eltviola, the foreign British girl sympathized with the egyptians because she saw the poor ppl conditions, and it is not related to the manipulated media or stupid press as u said.In the contrary, she is very smart coz she saw the things that was hidden for you,and you are the one who is listening to this stupid press
The streets are dirty, coz 40% of the egyptians are under the poverty line and not well educated
People are lazy because they are desperate
Unfortunately, those kind of people who used to think in this bad way like you don't feel how the others were tortured, and they are looking for the results and for themselves only
Am sorry but it is purely selfish perspective to think in this way, and am speechless, but I respect this revolution that lets all the world look to us in a different way, we gained our dignity back and the respect from all, all the world were speaking about us when we used to ask about our rights without hurling one stone on the police and then the reaction of the officers was that they shot everyone and the demonstrators fell on the ground, the protestors were saying silmeya silmeya, and they died and injured coz they were asking about our rights
Sorry for being abit tough but seriosuly you have got on my nerve
I know that we have alot of flaws,and we need tons of enhancements but I do love Egypt and thx for the martyrs and for the champions who went to tahrir
Please stop talking in this way and for sure you are most welcome to leave egypt anytime.
eltviola wrote:hey, watch your language please! I'm sure all the people who died for the cause of your freedom & human rights would be more than happy to hear your words
Would you prefer to join the riots in London right now??!
Thank you Elain , and sorry
Mostafa samy wrote:[Moderated]
I feel so sorry to hear this words from Egyptian guy, Just notice "Revolution not like LIGHT SWITCH which you will turn it on every thing it will be awesome as you dream, bro we have to work and work very hard to come back, pls be optimistic, positivity, respect the contrast ideas with yours,...etc and let me ask you a Q "you have been in Egypt for a long time, let me know what did you do for Egypt?"
from my view i would like to share this Quotes with you;
"Be the change that you wish to see in the world."
Mahatma Gandhi
eltviola wrote:hey, watch your language please! I'm sure all the people who died for the cause of your freedom & human rights would be more than happy to hear your words
Would you prefer to join the riots in London right now??!
Elain, How you doing?, and sorry.....
I hope it will finish in peace soon, and don't forget be Optimistic girl, keep enjoy, and soon be in Egypt..
malsi wrote:Mostafa samy wrote:[Moderated]
I feel so sorry to hear this words from Egyptian guy, Just notice "Revolution not like LIGHT SWITCH which you will turn it on every thing it will be awesome as you dream, bro we have to work and work very hard to come back, pls be optimistic, positivity, respect the contrast ideas with yours,...etc and let me ask you a Q "you have been in Egypt for a long time, let me know what did you do for Egypt?"
from my view i would like to share this Quotes with you;
"Be the change that you wish to see in the world."
Mahatma Gandhi
well said Islam,
malsi wrote:I feel so sorry to hear this words from Egyptian guy, Just notice "Revolution not like LIGHT SWITCH which you will turn it on every thing it will be awesome as you dream, bro we have to work and work very hard to come back, pls be optimistic, positivity, respect the contrast ideas with yours,...etc and let me ask you a Q "you have been in Egypt for a long time, let me know what did you do for Egypt?"
from my view i would like to share this Quotes with you;
"Be the change that you wish to see in the world."
Mahatma Gandhi
Nothing can be said more than that .Thank you Islam in the names of all Egyptians,

Hello Mostafa,
I honestly wrote a very long article to describe your stupidity and ignorance about how did you expressed your opinion on an online forum which will stay here readable forever for everyone and then I thought that everyone else tried to do the same and pretty much they got to the point.
But I bet you still didn't get it as well.
Anyway, I thought that I should give you the opportunity and the advice as well to apologize for the Non-Egyptians on this forum before the Egyptians that you absolutely showed everyone in the world How Stupid people can be even the educated so called engineers.
So, again. Please apologize for all what you said, even if you think its right and that this is your opinion. You didn't express it in the right way and you were very aggressive with everyone who tried to discuss it, and that is what made me call you stupid more than once. please understand my reasons for it and go by my advice and apologize. I guess everyone here will want that.
And believe me people love Egypt and Egyptians cause they don't meet a lot of people like you, try to understand that as well.
And for everyone else who got offended here by any mean please accept my sincere apology on behalf of Mostafa and my self as well.
Thank you guys for standing up for him.
Ahmad Khallaf wrote:Hello Mostafa,
I honestly wrote a very long article to describe your stupidity and ignorance about how did you expressed your opinion on an online forum which will stay here readable forever for everyone and then I thought that everyone else tried to do the same and pretty much they got to the point.
But I bet you still didn't get it as well.
Anyway, I thought that I should give you the opportunity and the advice as well to apologize for the Non-Egyptians on this forum before the Egyptians that you absolutely showed everyone in the world How Stupid people can be even the educated so called engineers.
So, again. Please apologize for all what you said, even if you think its right and that this is your opinion. You didn't express it in the right way and you were very aggressive with everyone who tried to discuss it, and that is what made me call you stupid more than once. please understand my reasons for it and go by my advice and apologize. I guess everyone here will want that.
And believe me people love Egypt and Egyptians cause they don't meet a lot of people like you, try to understand that as well.
And for everyone else who got offended here by any mean please accept my sincere apology on behalf of Mostafa and my self as well.
Thank you guys for standing up for him.
well said bro i totally agree with all your words

semsema135 wrote:Mostafa samy wrote:eltviola wrote:hey, watch your language please! I'm sure all the people who died for the cause of your freedom & human rights would be more than happy to hear your words
Would you prefer to join the riots in London right now??!
look you are a foreign British person even if you live in Egypt you still don`t know anything about the poor people you just say or speak like the stupid press
WHAT ashame!!!!and Eltviola, the foreign British girl sympathized with the egyptians because she saw the poor ppl conditions, and it is not related to the manipulated media or stupid press as u said.In the contrary, she is very smart coz she saw the things that was hidden for you,and you are the one who is listening to this stupid press
The streets are dirty, coz 40% of the egyptians are under the poverty line and not well educated
People are lazy because they are desperate
Unfortunately, those kind of people who used to think in this bad way like you don't feel how the others were tortured, and they are looking for the results and for themselves only
Am sorry but it is purely selfish perspective to think in this way, and am speechless, but I respect this revolution that lets all the world look to us in a different way, we gained our dignity back and the respect from all, all the world were speaking about us when we used to ask about our rights without hurling one stone on the police and then the reaction of the officers was that they shot everyone and the demonstrators fell on the ground, the protestors were saying silmeya silmeya, and they died and injured coz they were asking about our rights
Sorry for being abit tough but seriosuly you have got on my nerve
I know that we have alot of flaws,and we need tons of enhancements but I do love Egypt and thx for the martyrs and for the champions who went to tahrir
Please stop talking in this way and for sure you are most welcome to leave egypt anytime.
wait wait ... oh my godness i`m sorry you don`t know anything i just read your first few lines :S :S what 40 % yeah i`m totally know that but now it became 99.9 % there is egyptian flok says ( nos el 3ama wala el 3ama kollo ) this revolution makes 40 % becomes 90 % nobody cares

don moe wrote:Ahmad Khallaf wrote:Hello Mostafa,
I honestly wrote a very long article to describe your stupidity and ignorance about how did you expressed your opinion on an online forum which will stay here readable forever for everyone and then I thought that everyone else tried to do the same and pretty much they got to the point.
But I bet you still didn't get it as well.
Anyway, I thought that I should give you the opportunity and the advice as well to apologize for the Non-Egyptians on this forum before the Egyptians that you absolutely showed everyone in the world How Stupid people can be even the educated so called engineers.
So, again. Please apologize for all what you said, even if you think its right and that this is your opinion. You didn't express it in the right way and you were very aggressive with everyone who tried to discuss it, and that is what made me call you stupid more than once. please understand my reasons for it and go by my advice and apologize. I guess everyone here will want that.
And believe me people love Egypt and Egyptians cause they don't meet a lot of people like you, try to understand that as well.
And for everyone else who got offended here by any mean please accept my sincere apology on behalf of Mostafa and my self as well.
Thank you guys for standing up for him.
well said bro i totally agree with all your words
but he doesn't seem to understand anything at all!!!!!

hey all
i`m totally sad to read your words nothing to say on this non respected quote i told you Difference of opinion ... do not spoil a warm but nothing understand you only respect eltviola as all egyptian make
and for the person speaks badly about engineers look engineers are the best persons in your life so think first then speak and don`t write any words by the way we did a lot for Egypt we all the time cleaning the streets did you know maadians ? ask about them and you will know what we did but people returns back and destroy what we built :S :S

I assume I am "the person speaks badly about engineers".
First let me assure you that it's not an engineer or an ignorant what makes people understand the real values of life
you're just a victim of the miss conceptional belief that once you're an engineer, doctor, etc... you will be respected in other meaning "balad shahadat".
Second I have never met Eltviola but the fact that she is defending the EGYPTIAN REVOLUTION makes me respect her without the need of meeting her.
Third....Are you using Google translate or its just your English that is really bad??

WAIT WAIT what you say about that please explain that happened after revolution ( what we gain from it ... no police no safety dirty street all the time people block the roads people moves reverse on the high way yikes wtf yikes no manners at all every day fights fights fights no work no job no economy stupid shits in everyplace even TV there isn`t any empty bed in kasr el ainy hospital my friend works there he told me that everyday there is about 2000 patient die .. who cares ??? look at people faces in street :S :S :S :S
now it`s a fashion anyone have a problem make a sit in tahrir )

Ahmad Khallaf wrote:I assume I am "the person speaks badly about engineers".
First let me assure you that it's not an engineer or an ignorant what makes people understand the real values of life
you're just a victim of the miss conceptional belief that once you're an engineer, doctor, etc... you will be respected in other meaning "balad shahadat".
Second I have never met Eltviola but the fact that she is defending the EGYPTIAN REVOLUTION makes me respect her without the need of meeting her.
Third....Are you using Google translate or its just your English that is really bad??
hahahahahahaha dude i won`t reply on you coz you barely speak english

[moderated: one more, and who knows what will happen]

I noticed that someone is moderating this discussion, which is necessary I guess, I just have one question....What does the report button does??
in other words, what would happen if we all reported one user?

this is my topic so please get out of it
[note from the admin: this is my forum so please keep cool or ...]

I am done here, this guy will never understand.
I just wanted to apologize to everyone who got offended and give him the opportunity to apologize as well.
Dear all
Let's stop this issue as we are out off topic!
And just respect the holy month of ramadan

ok don moe but really i didn`t mention anything it just my opinion
after that i see everyone insulting me

don moe wrote:Dear all
Let's stop this issue as we are out off topic!
And just respect the holy month of ramadan
Thanks Don

Ahmad Khallaf wrote:I am done here, this guy will never understand.
I just wanted to apologize to everyone who got offended and give him the opportunity to apologize as well.
https://www.expat.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=32460 Please remember ... you're not on a dating forum ! fa mt3mlesh feha 7lw
Mostafa samy wrote:hey all
i`m totally sad to read your words nothing to say on this non respected quote i told you Difference of opinion ... do not spoil a warm but nothing understand you only respect eltviola as all egyptian make
and for the person speaks badly about engineers look engineers are the best persons in your life so think first then speak and don`t write any words by the way we did a lot for Egypt we all the time cleaning the streets did you know maadians ? ask about them and you will know what we did but people returns back and destroy what we built :S :S
We respect Elain coz of her personalty not because of being a foreigner, coz she respects everyone, she has never hurted anyone and she supports everyone here, she didn't say bad words like you
Am really sad coz u r egyptian, and this is not the attitude of the egyptians
What you should be doing is to get out of a rut & please stop insulting the others plz
Mostafa samy wrote:Ahmad Khallaf wrote:I am done here, this guy will never understand.
I just wanted to apologize to everyone who got offended and give him the opportunity to apologize as well.
https://www.expat.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=32460 Please remember ... you're not on a dating forum ! fa mt3mlesh feha 7lw
No comment f3lan!!
what is the relation between that and the dating forum, do you understand what you are saying??
Ahmed Khallaf, sorry for being offended,you don't deserve that but you really gained all our respect here walahy
Mostafa please stop it and respect this holly month
hey hey hey guys...hold on
At first im pissed as I had to read all this long thread or argument for argument
Secondly this forum is meant for Expats help and this topic is more kind of domestic political issue that got nothing to do with expat issue.
Now since I have read all the trail no offense Mostafa but it seems like you are desperate to move abroad ! I have been living in Egypt for like past 3 years and I do have some attachment here and being a foreigner I really didnt like the choice of your words for your people killed in protest.
On the contrary I do agree with you that ever since after the revolution the law and order situation is WORST but again you know who to blame since revolution is the case and you stated you spent 12 days at tahrir
REVOLUTION is process that does not come served you have to earn it ..and it comes with a price and this is exactly what you are paying back !
Flying away from you country is a good thing if it is for Money ! but if protesters like you are planning to leave the country now then what was the point of revolution ! you should have left the country like before at least law and order was stable ! After getting for what you spent 12 days and many lost their life guys like you are planning to leave the country ..to me I see clear contradiction between your words and deeds. Anyways since its a democratic country I used my right of freedom
Lastly I believe there is no such topic on this post not helpful/informative at all for expat better we put a stop here
and yea ..sorry about the typos ..was typing in dark!
alimirza wrote:hey hey hey guys...hold on
At first im pissed as I had to read all this long thread or argument for argument
Secondly this forum is meant for Expats help and this topic is more kind of domestic political issue that got nothing to do with expat issue.
Lastly I believe there is no such topic on this post not helpful/informative at all for expat better we put a stop here
i totally agree with you really its a full stop now.
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